
Phil 2.0 was blackout drunk. And his crime was punching Phil in the face.

Near the end, Glee was playing music that, in the year that it even WAS on Glee hadn't been released yet.

I'm super confused. Tying Merlin to excaliber didn't make HIM a dark one, so why would it do so to Hook?

I know! I was joking, though.

something about "his family". Who we have not seen.

But she can tear a deer carcass apart with her bare hands, isn't that eeeeeeevil?

Will even care? He seems to love Tommy as much as she does.

He didn't absorb his sister's power. He couldn't use time travel and teleporting because Darkstar was there.

He's turned into his dad, and I hate it. Molly must've been so grossed out.

Ah yes. The stupidest plot. I'd forgotten about that.

I'm just confused as to wht part he actually played in the original timeline.

What's even weirder is that no review mentions how WEIRD it is.

Right? I spent like the entire time shouting at the screen I KNOW IT'S MATT. WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING?

Pretty much.

Hiro? Oh, or wait. Wasn't Evernow part of the plan to get them to the future? Maybe…that long is when it's activated?

Probably, yeah.

Yeah, and then Matt left Peter unconscious in the basement while he went to make a sandwich.

Was it, though? Because the show had just spent 4 episodes beating us in the head with 'Sylar is good now'.

I guess Luke has never had peanut butter and grape jelly…

I just assume that when she let hiro out, he somehow booped her to the future.