
well, I mean, he did technically wall someone up in a uh…wall in the last season of Heroes.

Show, I get you wanted there to be a mystery as to who the director *WAS*, but I really hope you realize that we both recognize Grunberg's voice AND his torso. It's not like you were going to pan back and reveal Johnny McWhoever, ok? Come on. Stop playing.

Mmmmm chunks of onions.

Hell yes.

Are we sure that it didn't last? Are we POSITIVE that whatever Emma is doing is evil?

That's Burgess Meredith

That would be interesting.

Strokes and cardiac arrest are not the same. And strokes are a very common cause of death in childbirth. As are heart attacks. More common than bleeding out, actually.

She didn't. She had a stroke.

Matt Jr used them as a baby. Claire used hers as a baby, Samuel Sullivan used his during childbirth.

They had similar powers. Arthur's variation stole the powers from others, like Tommy's. Peter's didn't, because he also had some vague empathy from his mother.

Yeah, there was a huge earthquake when he was born.

Ok, but as I said: it still would not go back to her, because it didn't for Arthur Petrelli. Because, if it did, when Arthur died Adam would've come back to life.

In any case, why would it go back to Claire? They weren't in the same timeline, and that's not how it worked when Arthur took abilities.

No, it's not unusual to have different abilities at all, but keep in mind this fact: Micah's mom didn't come by her ability through a genetic line, she was altered in the womb. As was Nathan, Tracy and a few others. That's why their abilities are so vastly different than other people in their families.

And next week is when they have to sell it. Not now.

They have not stated that he can only retain one ability at a time.

It's not new.