
The Revited chimeras are Donovan, Corey, Tracy and Hayden.

I don't know. I don't like her for some reason. No offense to anyone who does. She just seems so…full of herself? Which I realize is a shitty thing to say, but…sometimes that's a thing. Something about her personality grates me.

Not in my opinion, no.

Susan SArandon's character is a lesbian, so I'm thinking she probably understands more than it appears.

I went from feeling for Bedelia to utterly loathing her in this episde. That poor patient.

Isn't rubber man just…Tate?

I now can't remember this song going any other way.

Better to use her role on Lost. Or even TSCC.

Isn't that what it already is?

You had me at "Ray Romano curbstomps"

Even google seems skeptical. It's all "well, the news says she was, but we can find no evidence."

I legit do not remember her on Parenthood. And the only information I can find of her being on Parenthood are articles saying she was on it and is now in The Catch. What the hey.

She was a princess. She was Lao Ma's princess.

WAs it that dumb time movie with Justin Timberlake?

I don't get what you mean. The actor clearly loves the show…

She wasn't paralysed, you could see her moving her hands.

See it made me think f Kill Bill. "Move your big toe."

I meant season 2 lol.

Stiles has always been the mom, though. See season 1, when Erica, Stiles and Isaac were being threatened, and he stood in front of them. THE WEREWOLVES.

"What's at midnight?" 'Your bedtime.'