
That’s right. I thought it was a classy move and took the sting out those branding her a “gold-digger”.

The money Heard donated to various charities was her divorce settlement from Depp, not awards from previous lawsuits.

The Johnny Depp who dated Winona or even Vanessa Paradis is not the same Johnny Depp of today. He was once young and very handsome. Now he is extremely famous and clearly has serious sobriety/mental health issues. This article from Rolling Stone is really something.

Let’s test this logic:

This episode was so much weaker than last week’s, which is probably why you shouldn’t deduct half-points just because of one minor joke that you didn’t like and/or get

Some people get super-speed, some get the power to make their pants disappear. It’s a real crapshoot.

I also enjoy the hidden gem that she thinks 250k is enough to make a movie!

He’s not one dude, he’s the hawks, generally. John Bolton and company, the folks who are just dying for another chance to kick a little ass, and if that means some soldiers have to die, well.... cost of doing business. 

They were at the breakfast table at the beginning when Homer grabbed a Grapefuit on his way out before reveling the trunk pizza.

Granted, it’s a tough show to evaluate on an episode by episode basis, but Zack doesn’t seem to be interested in the show they’re making and is instead fixated on a completely different show that he’d like it to be.
They’ve been dropping breadcrumbs all season that this “perfect” picture of humanity is fallible and

Yeah, that seemed the obvious conclusion to me.  Must have been so obvious that they discarded it and decided to subvert our expectations.  You just knew there had to be a trick by Doug Judy in there somewhere though.

Indeed. Especially not a scared young man raised by strong women in a subculture where transparency, and thus emotional displays, are not just encouraged but expected.

Okay now seriously I’m just gonna put this in every new TV review, where’s the Legends of Tomorrow write-up?

The writers need to stop doing season long mysteries.... they’re not good at it. Like at all. No clues, poor motives, zero tension and no set up or pay off.

First, Jughead doesn’t know what a Locked-Room Mystery is. What it’s not is putting everyone involved in a room and locking the door. That’s The Big Reveal.

Damien also died towards the end of Grant Morrison’s run on Batman, Inc., and it took a trip to Apokalips to bring him back. Before him, Stephanie Brown, the first main-universe female Robin, also died (then came back). I think recently Richard Grayson “died”, had some amnesia, and is back. In all those cases, no fans

And apparently Judd Winnick had to really beg to be able to use that page. Denny O’Neill really didn’t ever want it to see the light of day once the ax fell.

Having been through heavy duty chemo myself I can say that most of the time I felt reasonably ok BUT I had no ability to focus on doing things like watching films or reading books. Just know that this is normal. I did a lot of jigsaw puzzles for the duration and haven’t done one since. Listening to podcasts can be

Update: It’s been confirmed I have a gynecological cancer (unclear, to them, if it’s uterine or ovarian), they’ve started me on chemo and after 3 cycles they’ll do another CT to see if it’s shrunk enough for surgery, radiation or more chemo. I’ve scheduled for at least 6 cycles of chemo either way. I’m...hopeful? I

The fact that this episode skips right through October with so much as a mention of a Halloween Heist is a TRAVESTY.