
Oh Gotham, God I enjoyed that batshit (yes, pun intended) show. Is it still on? If so, I’m waaay behind. I don’t even think I made it to Cameron as ProtoJoker. Did he manage to out-ham Robin Lord Taylor as Oswalt “I’M THE KING OF GOTHAM!” Cobblepot?

Not only that, the voiceover goes ‘sometimes it looks like connection is impossible’. Cut to Stamets glaring.

Ok so (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER)....was the film just showing a screenwriter considering different ideas for a story in her head? Perhaps I’m a brainless plebian but I was really confused. 

I haven’t minded Burnham as much in the past two seasons - generally I like her fine, and Martin-Green is a solid actor.

“No. But I’ve seen the house it bought for my mum. It’s fantastic.” — Michael Caine (when asked if he has seen Jaws 4)

Presumably the money he makes from this can be used to buy Another Another Round.

She’s terrified because the lives of 88 people are her responsibility when she’s at the helm. Her freezing at the conn was when the ship would be put in danger both here and in “People of Earth” The trauma of the battle with Control, the fate of live in the galaxy, and the isolation of the 32nd century is getting to

THIS^^^^. and if they HAD come up with a new joined species this week, no doubt the author would have said “Why not just use the Trill?”

Disco’s new motto: “Damned if we do, Damned if we don’t”

I’m curious why having the non-binary and transgender characters having the symbiont (as you mention several times, Adira isn’t Trill) is less progressive? If the show were saying that the symbiont somehow altered their sexuality into non-binary and transgender, THAT would be messed up, but from what I can tell that’s

I wonder if Sia still considers him the victim.

She stands like the girl from the grudge movies.

When your economy divides our collective resources primarily by exchange of labour for the things people need to live, and your economy cannot provide enough labour opportunities for everyone, the system’s failed, not the people who got screwed by your system.

  • “All time travel technology was destroyed after the temporal wars.” Hey, that sounds like a pretty cool story, why don’t you do a show about that. 

Because it can clearly cause brand confusion since it is paired with the imagery and merchandising that incorporates the imagery; it is unquestionably a reference to Pokémon. And as far as the name, the issue is trademark - not copyright. Apple (the company) has a trademark on the word “apple,” by the way.

And Heather Morris from Glee

You guys have a hardon for hating Jamil. 

Well, I’ve always hated Buffy but this is the first time I knew that she was considered even remotely a feminist character (I can only assume we were watching a different show). Where it gets trickier is in Firefly, which is full of good female characters. Never been sadder than the day I found out Whedon was a creep.

Prettier! Little’er! Lies-ier!

I hope it’s okay to post this, but: