And all of this was prior to regulations stating requirements for govt email usage. That matters in the conversation.
How else are you supposed to amass a car collection that rivals the Sultan of Brunei's? #lifegoals
Oh, I could easily spend that much. It wouldn't be in any way good for me or anyone else, but I can think of ways to spend that kind of cash. Creativity is key.
legit. the "why would you want to be" is so key too. I have this friend who is OBSESSED with being friends with her ex's after they break up. Even when they were emotionally abusive dick heads-she just cant get over the fact that "if they had never dated, we would be friends" Well like, you did date. He treated you…
More broken marriages, more business for The Knot. I see their long-term plan here.
Tell Nev that you won't punch him if he punches Adam. Nev sucks, he will definitely punch somebody else to save his own face.
Hey, I live in the Bay Area and have family in Redding. Maybe we should carpool? Bikepool?
My strategy remains the same.
1. Eat all of the chocolate remaining in my apartment.
2. Kill self.
those pseudo-clinics DO still exist. went to one recently after a scare. i am not exaggerating when i say that the people who work for these types of establishments are just awful people.
only in the usa, for consumers, really. grime is huge in the uk, and most international artists, especially hip hop/r&b/rap artist, know grime and are influenced by it. that kinda EDM vibe that's happening now in rap is defs bc of grime and the hip hop scene in the UK, even if they aren't featuring uk artists.
Take my ex-boyfriend. PLEASE.
I died reading this. My office roommate is on an important conference call and I'm all cackling with tears running down my face in the background. Hashtag professionalism.
I was 95 percent sure my last boyfriend was real. Unfortunately, I was right.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
At this point you're my favourite Jezebelian (your defense against the avalanche of White Feminist ignorance was what first caught my eye).
Ok, great, a couple of foreign filmmakers with huge international careers and successful back-catalogues won Oscars. That says nothing about the actual opportunities for POC in Hollywood or the Academy's treatment of individuals from groups marginalized in the US.