As someone living with epilepsy, I’m changing my med ID bracelet. I’m making this bracelet read, “if this person is having a seizure then call NOBODY. Wait for it to end.”
As someone living with epilepsy, I’m changing my med ID bracelet. I’m making this bracelet read, “if this person is having a seizure then call NOBODY. Wait for it to end.”
i was kidding, even created a #minorityhumor tag to signal i was joking. why would you comment on a years’ old article anyway? christ, take a xanax, i hear they are great with white whine—should be ur fave.
i just remember Sister Jean Louise said we didn’t have to do prayer until after they announced the verdict. we were in 4th grade.
huh. my Josefina is in my mom’s attic in a plastic bin. i guess giving her to another little mexican girl like i was once upon a time might be a better use? but then again.... IF THEY LOSE HER REBOZO I WILL CHOKE A CHILD.
for real, man. i am dreading the day my pops dies because i am like, “i don’t have any money to bury that fool, he is getting burnt.”
i know where this dude works because i work there, too. number 1, Tadich Grill doesn’t have a sandwich under $15 dollars so this guy is a tool. number 2, who the EFF goes to the financial district when they don’t HAVE to go to the financial district, unless they really don’t know anywhere else to go in San Francisco?…
ok but.... with the way Trumpmania has taken over... and the way MASSES of people can be easily swayed.... do you REALLY want a direct democracy?! this isn’t TRL people. this is the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.
my prom happened during the HEIGHT of lil jon & t-pain’s fame. also, i believe the song “low” was my ringtone—and i thought it was the SH*T.
it was a literal dry heave. make of this what you will.
ugh. i dormed with that guy one time. then once when i was working at Safeway as a cashier, i asked him what he’d been up to ( TO BE POLITE ) and he responded smugly, “the usual. wine & women.” and i literally almost horfed into a paper bag.
fruit (like mango and pineapple) paired with tajin.
raspados & mangonadas (which is an elaborate shaved ice, topped with fruit, and other stuff).
true... but Megyn Kelly is not necessarily pro-women, pro-little girls, or pro-anybody who is not Megyn Kelly, in true conservative style.
i just hope that someone slips Rohan a big bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos smothered in Chamoy someday when she isn’t looking and junk food/HFCS becomes his big rebellion. this lady... i mean, everybody gotta make a dollar outta fifteen cents nowadays, but she hurts my heart.
never change.
i mean i get that he’s upset that they “sanitized” his life experience, but you can’t just show a little kid getting physically beaten with a shoe during primetime. you lose those kind of rights when you sign with a major network. you want a show like that, you sign with Showtime or FXX. but keep angry tweeting into…
I might actually buy something like that. Like a gun magazine, but loaded with tampons.
we don’t know it’s FOR us unless it is PINK, guys. it’s just science.
do you care if the packaging is Barbie Malibu pink? if the answer is “eww, yes.” then you might have an opinion.
i don’t THINK we are but i never rule things out, esp. on the internet and with a family as big as the Ortiz clan from Zacatecas. but yes, the “one to get the prince” would be a good way to describe my inspiration source, i was under 5 at the time.
we all were.