
when i was little i used to say my name was monica bobrucz (like in For Keeps, with molly ringwald, don’t know where i got “monica”). i insisted people call me this, or ariel. if i had amnesia, pretty sure it would be the same case.

one time for my graduation party from high school my white friend’s parents showed up at the time printed on the invite and my mom was just getting out of the shower, and my mom banged on my door (where i was just pulling on my dress) and says in spanish, “YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! damn white people always showing up on

sold! to the highest bidder.

that’s what happens with a lot of us nerd girls. we think we know the real world because of the way we experience it through literature, until losing a loved one or getting our ass handed to us by a broken heart SHOWS us what’s what. then, adrift with no moral compass left, when no book from Garcia Marquez to the

I just wish this were a marketable skill...

DANG well i was only thinking of vicodin and percocet and sh*t, don’t quote me, i’m not a dealer or anything. we buy our pills in mexican “pharmacias.”

wow. i... that is just unacceptable.

Speaking strictly from my expertise of being the family member of people who have been addicted to literally EVERYTHING, I would say given his current disposition, life choices, and weight gain/depression, Rob’s addiction is probably of the prescription opioid variety. That don’t come too cheap, either. Some are up to

There’s an accompaniment to Serial where they got a hold of a few of Jay’s earliest police interviews. You can hear papers being shuffled around the table every time Jay forgets a key detail, and a tapping sound, as if someone were indicating to Jay what he should say next. The kid had a few priors, but most

working at a Starbucks in 2006 was rough, man. they played that song every 18 minutes, Groundhog Day-status. and then sorority girls in uggs and leggings ordering frapps would hear it and squeal “OMG I love this song!” so I would say, “yea? hang out for another 20 minutes, guarantee it’s gonna play again!” and I would

this was also the same situation where the neighbor lady came out of her apartment after hearing gunshots, and they shot her on site as well, no? or was that ANOTHER Chicago P.D. whoopsie daisy?

ok, so then.... SUE YOUR EMPLOYER. not the decedent.

Seems pretty simple. Ensure rent control for all, make strict laws prohibiting housing discrimination and see to it that these laws are enforced. It should not be rocket science when it comes to creating balances between socioeconomic groups and races.

this is anticipated to be the highest voter turnout for latinos/hispanic voters so far, just because of trump-driven hate, and because he f***ed with Jorge Ramos. you do NOT mess with Jorge Ramos and get away with it.

for reals. meth, drunk drivers, child drug dealers who generally DGAF, people boating while intoxicated, the list goes on.

for some reason there’s a lot of dogs that have the same reaction to Empire commercials! look it up on youTube, there is something about their jingle that drives them CRAZY and makes a lot of them run in circles and howl.

Same with Train-bombing.

jesus i felt like i was playing “where’s waldo?” with the POC in the room and FFS is that Bono?

some people seem to have issues with the images she chose for her t-shirt collab with PornHub but consider her partnership. it’s not like she partnered with World Wildlife Fund or something. she is definitely playing to an audience that knows her (ahem) body of work to earn the most for charity, so kudos to her.

he might have OCD, hoarding, social anxiety... *looked at photo, eff this guy, sh-t is nasty*