
preach. biggest fears.

i have seven fucking hundred dollars.

i’m pretty sure my bf would leave me for juliana margulies, and i would be 100 percent ok with that.

I stand corrected :)

Which test did you use? We’re from north central Mexico and after about 4 generations, we know nothing except “a Spanish great great grandfather and his French wife; he never learned French, she never learned Spanish, and they had 10 children.” Sooooo.... Needless to say, I’m pretty curious as well because they never

One of them (played in a marvelous bit part by Rosanna Arquette) is definitely named Angie. The other, I really only recall John Travolta referring to as, “the one with all the shit in her face.”

pulp fiction passes. two women talk to each other about various piercings and narcotics/highs.

ugh. it’s hard to understand the support for El Chapo without understanding the genesis of the Mexican revolution and general distaste for a corrupt government in the first place. The Porfiriato was a period where Porfirio Diaz lead for 35 years, rigging elections in his favor and growing more autocratic and corrupt

btw stay tuned for my HGTV-themed erotic fan fiction. david and hillary, “love you or list you?”, tarek and christina, “flippin’ and floppin’,” chip and joanna, “fix her upper,” co-starring their carpenter Clint and his wife from that season one episode.

(i am not a proud woman, just a bored overworked and mildly

now would this be in the form of a voucher, or....??

i get what you’re saying. it would take a bunch of liberals moving to already-gerrymandered districts, and voting the shit out of them for years to turn them blue. but who wants to move to Waco? IS THAT WHAT FIXER UPPER on HGTV IS ABOUT?! a secret Batsignal from the liberal head of HGTV, just saying, “HEY GUYS! COME

the last time i wore a hat, it was white denim and floral printed. and it matched the overalls i was wearing. it was photo day with my baby brothers. i was 11, and PISSED.

my brother wanted to go on one for his 18th birthday because my family had gone on one before he was born (mom found out she was preggers the week she got back whoops! so much for all those Riviera Delights) and he kind of held it against us. so here we are, 18 years later, and taking the SAME EFFING CRUISE, not even

you know when someone gives you like a few indications that they are kind of an a**hole for a while (a few racist comments over time, couple of homophobic microaggressions) but you dismiss it and you’re just like, “no it was a joke and i probably read too much into it,” or “they probably didn’t mean it like that,”

It is known as the “wet foot, dry foot” policy with regards to Cuban asylum seekers; anyone caught in the ocean was sent back, anybody found on American soil was allowed to stay. Hence the controversy over the child immigrant in the early 2000s, Elian Gonzales. His mother died at sea, his estranged father still lived

At my Montessori daycare, apparently I didn’t know how to be a child and kept asking the teachers what I could do to help them with the other children. I would join them in the kitchen at break and ask them, “So what is next?” Raised by a single mother, only child until 10, unaware I was not also an adult. :|

OMG this show is life.

coachella blows. people will see soon enough, just like they did with lollapalooza when they realized that it had started sucking and their eyes were open to the fact that maybe it was sucky all along, because huge numbers of people are the part that sucks, not the music + outside part.

i think about my uncle, a former Navy officer, who collects mostly historical guns that are inoperable, and a few working guns and keeps them ALL in a gun locker with a fingerprint lock.

or worse, you know, dying/killing someone? not to be that guy.... but as someone who was in a bad wreck with my dad as a kid because he couldn’t tell he was too faded as we were leaving a party, we almost flew off Highway 1 and into the ocean, but instead, surreptitiously hit an oncoming driver, spun out, she broke

or worse, you know, dying/killing someone? not to be that guy.... but as someone who was in a bad wreck with my dad