
Yeah but I feel like even that doesn't probably help that many people. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me who only sought out therapy once out of the house and it can take more than just acknowledging something to be able to speak out about it or make a formal report or complaint. At 20, there's no way I would

  • James Middleton really hates being Kate's brother. James is the owner of a company "that allows Instagram users to put their pictures on marshmallows." [People]

Jennifer Elise Cox should have won an Oscar for this.

James Iha is like the ghost of the Lower East Side.

I lived across the street from James Iha in Chicago.

the Smashing Pumpkins were my Blink-182. So many feelings.

Pretty much everyone I know who saw this movie saw it when they were WAY too young, haha.

& here is tom hiddleston with chris hemsworth's baby

AdultoS next she will create Skinny water.

I'm watching without sound, but my answer is "flight safety videos".

you are not going bye forever adultosaur, just drink a bottle of wine and come back better than ever.

I played this up to level 22, and now I'm pretty bored with it. My boyfriend is too high maintenance, Willow Pape is a bitch, I work all the time FOR WHAT? WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE GAME?

I read my spouse Shade Court every week and now he's started correcting people on their improper use of shade. Kara is doing the Lord's work.

Princess Grace was from Philly, she was actually firing it at a Cowboys fan.

Don't fall for that hoity-toity Grace Kelly bullshit.

In my own personal study that was conducted twice yesterday afternoon because I was home alone and bored, I can categorically assert that it is definitely not pee.

My cat looks like Kate Winslet. "Paint me like one of your French girls."

great question and great asterisks, sir!

There is a difference between being teenage stupid and putting your stupidity online for everyone to see. This would be like, before there was the internet, telling everyone to come see you do your illegal activity. Sometimes, you don't need the likes and favs.

You had me at complete stranger. YOU HAD ME AT COMPLETE STRANGER.