
Oh my god, In Touch, suck all the bags of dicks you can find. This is the dumbest.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

I am upset that your small thumbnail and my lack of glasses made me think your avatar was a picture of a dogs face. I then zoomed in and realized its two people and a light trick. Disappointed.

I bought a Fitbit and all it did was make me horribly depressed about myself. So, you know, $100 well spent.

Oh poor old man. Nothing better to do?

Hint: This will not get you into Heaven. There is this whole thing about not judging lest ye be judged...

I think you're overestimating the budget of a porn shoot.

The real tragedy here is the waste of a premise. You have the ability to have a porn with up to 24 people, 12 each of males and females, all stranded in a remote location, with endless possibilities of people having sex to survive, forge alliances, trick each other into falling for traps, one last romp before death,

The more #CrimingWhileWhite stories you read, the more they start to sound like humblebrags than they do like addressing inequality.

I can't speak to private nannies, but mostly state subsidies have decreased drastically, so there is way less reimbursement for daycare providers. in california there's been huge disinvestment in state subsidies, so parents are paying full cost, or centers have to charge more because the state subsidies don't cover

Come on, USA, it's about time you earned the term first world country and implemented several weeks of maternity leave before and at least half a year after someone gives birth. Paid maternity leave, of course. It might even help with abortion rates, because people are more inclined to have a baby, when they know they

I am currently adding this to my OKCupid profile. ("Looking for: cheese, robots.")

My Harry Potter obsession didn't even start until I was 34 and experiencing it for the first time with my son. I am not ashamed.

I KNOW REPRESENT FOR THE PEOPLE! I am holding him personally resposible for the representation of the rest of us in this film. He betta work!!

Wow this looks great! They even put one black person in the whole movie!

I think you're right. People would still have called the speaker an asshole, but I doubt that the public mockery would have been so virulent. But I found Katherine Heigl annoying since the Roswell years, so I feel okay about my contempt for her. The only interesting thing she's ever done is My Father, the Hero (with

Not to mention physical necessities of being a cis woman. Why are pads and tampons so goddamn expensive??? Why aren't they effing subsidized if 50% of the U.S. needs it??

It certainly takes less time. BJ's what - 5 minutes? Takes me an hour just to do the basic cleaning routine in my place.

I'd rather give a daily blowjob if it meant I didn't have to keep a tidy home.

If you're hispanic, you are African American. Don't remove yourslf from this so easily. Js