
It's taken me a long time to figure out why I hate being catcalled in almost every scenario but I think it's a combination of factors. For many women, when wanted/unwanted male attention starts, you're pretty young – a pre-teen or teenager. At that age, I didn't understand my own sexuality or really any one elses. I

he has Guy Fieri vibe, right?

I know this may seem out of place, and for that I apologize. But someone on here was offended by commenters openly identifying as christian, as if their existence somehow tarnished this site. This was my (long!) response.

I think there's an issue when this cast picture looks more right:

You understand that women contribute more than just real estate space to the creation of babies, right? No, you failed high school biology? Okay, carry on.

Oh, honey. If we have to worry about people thinking we're square for our prefered birth control choices...I just don't wanna live on this planet anymore. You do you and if it works, AWESOME! It's legitimate birth control and it works. It's not like you're washing up with vinegar and douching with coke.

Your scared the puppy.

The Iraq Wars made BILLIONS for Preston and Halliburton - how lovely were THEY?

You'd really be mind fucking Kinja hard on the sink.

So much this. Especially in the field of law, where the majority of lawyers have narcissitic tendencies. The support staff that excel at working with them are usually co-dependent, to some degree. In this field, it functions as an asset, but man, it can turn an office into a minefield. And I _like_ my job, so I'm sure

Ah, the halcyon days of the '90s, when we humans dwelled placidly under the dot-com bubble, foolishly investing all of our money in Beanie Babies and plucking out most of our eyebrow hairs....

Take my wifi, please!

i had a fur coat as a child. i looked fresh to death in it.

I have

I 100% agree. It is not a good idea. However, I do not believe it is felony child endangerment. I don't believe it is a crime.

Can I contribute an article where I review every single item on the menu at my fave hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant? Cause grocery shopping isn't happening this week.

"So, you've accidentally leaned against a public sink and now have a weird water mark on your pants: what to do"

No, you are the one that missed the point. The OP in question was clearly coming from a good place, but all too often the issues that POC experience are drowned out by white voices—ziggybloodlust was calling attention to that.

Sure people would do it if it was possible and profitable. But it's still bizarre. That's why most of the criticism is directed at the person who says "I want to pay you millions just to be a nonsense gorgeous person," not the woman who takes them up on it.