
OK, I got my answer. In short, EA wanted you to pay for the game and then pay more if you wanted to play as Luke or Darth Vader. Of course EVERYBODY wants to play as Luke or Vader. Wouldn’t that be the whole point of the game? See which one of them can beat the other?

If you go down and read the replies, it’s pretty clear that the community downvoted that post because at that point, the mod who wrote the apology continued to refuse to lift a ban on the user in question even after they received confirmation that they had banned the wrong person.

It’s up to -667816, and also has 190 Awards. I’m beginning to think the internet is broken. 

Surprised they didn’t win the Guinness World Record for most shittiest gaming company? But i guess there are other companies that might take that cake, if you know what i mean?

***theme from Monty Python’s Flying Circus starts playing***

The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”

EA - “To be fair to ourselves on why we created such a horrible decision to begin with, it was was for betterment of ourselve$. We ju$t don’t understand what all the fu$$ is about. $$$$$$$$$$ Please give u$ money, we don’t have enough yet

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

For those who don’t like clicking through:

It’s almost like a lack of integrity, narcissism and racism are intrinsically linked. It’s almost like those narcissists without integrity will have the largest audiences on platforms like Twitch.

Can we just shut down Twitch forever already? Nothing good ever comes out of that shite hole.

If you’re comfortable enough to say shirty things that you slip and say it publicly by accident, you’re an asshole.

This is pretty funny because I just started playing Banjo and Kazooie this weekend for the first time ever. Made it to treasure cove baby! 

Sakurai kind of has the ideal situation right now, though. He doesn’t work for Nintendo, he works for himself and is contracted to make games for Nintendo. B)

This is the kind of benevolent, gentlemanly gesture you can afford to have your employees make when you’re utterly unthreatened by the beneficiary of said gesture - in that particular market at least.

Folks in Japan were trying to find out:

If Sakurai gets himself fired, maybe he can finally get some sleep.

If only Microsoft made Rare Replay available on Windows 10...

We got Cuphead, Super Lucky’s Tales, Ori & the Blind Forest... and now Banjo-Kazooie in Ultimate, so maybe ;)

What would happen if Nintendo announced that Banjo-Kazooie was being ported to the Switch? :)