
-Get a Kindle (maybe it will be for birthday on next November, but I’ll get one!);

-read at least 60 books this year (actually my Goodreads 2019 Reading Challenge), including many mythology (like the Mahabharata, Iliad, Odyssey, Poetic Edda and Mabinogion, among other), science fiction (the whole seven Foundation

Van Gogh was a realistic painter! He was just in the wrong planet!

Young teenager wizard who doesn’t know magic yet and lives with aunt, discovers magic, finds an old bearded wizard as mentor, goes to magic school, makes friends and a rival in the school, gets a loyal pet that dies tragically, faces a powerful undying evil with whom he shares a magical link and even receives a scar

My personal problem with Avatar is that because Avatar exists we probably will never have a movie adaptation of Alan Dean Foster’s Midworld or of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Word for World Is Forest, the main stories Cameron used to create Avatar.

I also wish James Cameron had credited and admitted he ripped off these two

Is Seed Beaver the same as a Beaver seed? I want to see aliens growing their own beavers.

Wasn’t that the Devil instead?

Wasn’t that the Devil instead?

No, but maybe his head furry caterpillar puppet does.



I can count half of all these good conservative Christian boys coming out as gay or transgender later in life like every good conservative young man. Everyone’s a conservative until the closet starts getting claustrophobic.

Isn’t the Yellow River sometimes really yellow from sediments though? It’s better than the Red Sea, which is really named for South Sea, and the Black Sea, which is really named for North Sea.

Amazing Dragon of Lingwu” sounds like the best fantasy character ever. The Chinese know how to name things.

Thorny head Johnson sounds like the name of a Spider-Man villain. Parker has experience in dealing with villains with horns and hard heads.

Can you mention us the name of the game, the company and the country? Or are these confidential?

These news remind me of how much and how long I’ve been dreaming of an accurate animated adaptation of Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea animated and produced by the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I always thought the style of Avatar would work greatly with Earthsea.

The Bible they aren’t reading. Or the one they are reading like how I read a bad book - flipping through the words quickly to finish already this boring task.

Tyrsenian languages is a proposed language family that includes Etruscan, the Raetic language of the Alps and the Lemnian language of the Aegean Sea, and it’s a completely distinct family from the Indo-European family. Even if there is no Tyrsenian language family and Etruscan, Raeatic and Lemnian are all language

“She’s got a gum!”, said one of the cops seconds before been bitten

Wait, Sebby-Strempel has Internet in jail? And does she really think “Scratch” is a good disguise?

The white one.