
That explains Super Mario Odyssey.

After he dumped Pauline (or she dumped him).

I thought it was Luigi who has been piping Daisy.

That moment when German crashes with English.

The Beetle fairies used to be hippies who agreed to become cars but chose to remain isolated from the society with their own society of car fairies, and the hills are giant fossilized cars.

Good to see they finally made an animated adaptation of one of Anne McCaffrey’s works, although I thought the first animated adaptation of her works would be of Dragonriders of Pern, not of The Ship Who Sang.

He wears a hat, facial hair and dresses in bright red and blue - of course he is a hispter!

Maybe you could put some of that Afternoon Delight on her brownie...

Please tell me this is a parody fanart.

I just hope they don’t go the Simpsons way of remodelling statues of “history’s greatest monsters” to beloved women.

And hermaphrodite amphibian DNA that enabled life to, uh, find a way!

Ohh, just you wait for the Westworld themed game where you build an amusement park for adults where everything works perfectly and the visitors go back home happy and safe.

The last one seems to have a name worth of a character on Bryan Fuller’s cancelled series Pushing Daisies.

You would be surprised - even some Neo-Nazis in Germany who can’t fly Third Reich flags due to the German laws against Nazi symbolism have been flying Confederate flags.

Curiously for Brazilian Internet users “kkkk” (that is, the repetition of the letter k) is an onomatopeia for laughing, along with “HUE HUE” and sometimes even random typing of letters on the keyboard.

How many Leonardos and Leonards has Leonardo played? Is this the first one? I think it was already time Leonardo played Leonhard Euler in a biopic of the Swiss mathematician, Leonard Cohen in a biopic of the Canadian singer, Leonardo Fibonacci in a biopic of the 12th century Italian mathematician and Leonardo in a new

No, you just had to make him hit some pads on the ground for some reason I don’t remember, then get an orange from the tree for a chimp that in exchange gives you access to a higher path where you now has a position to defeat him throwing eggs three times. He keeps throwing oranges at you every time he sees you, but

And making porn of it. Kids these days, always so psychopathic...

I think you would be horrified to know that here in Brazil many barbecuers smear yellow mustard (the only kind of mustard we know) all over raw meat before taking it to the grill, as if yellow mustard was the only condiment that existed. I would like to say that disgusts me, but any kind of barbecue already disgusts

...mayo can die in a fire. [2]