
Sometimes I wished the episode “Hated in the Nation” of Black Mirror was true. Spills hatred on the Internet and spills hatred on the Internet about other opposite hatred spillers, you die.

Maybe she is the Big Bad Wolf in disguise? That explains why the fat girl disappeared. 

I dream of Judi Dench playing a badass Time Lady in Doctor Who (preferrable an incarnation of the Rani in a surprise comeback of the character, like Derek Jacobi’s appearance as the Master).

You know, they made a Daniel Craig popsicle once. You can literally like A Daniel Craig. I just don’t know if they still make them though.

He is English - of course one day he would dress in drag! It’s the most traditional British tradition ever, from Monty Python to Shakespeare’s plays!

A Steven Universe console RPG video-game? But...it isn’t Golf Quest Mini! I know Nintendo originally released Golf Quest Mini to Nintendo 64, but I believe it deserves a re-release for Nintendo Switch. We all want to see Ace thwarting Prof. Sandtraps’ evil plans and finally reuniting with his father again! (and I hope

Well, Maximus is a superlative in Latin, and if there is something Trump loves and is obsessed with is superlatives.

What, a whole article about Orisa (and even a whole comments sections) and not a single mention to her Yoruba thematic? She is even named “Orisa”, for Olorun’s sake!

I just hope his cellmates are also finding him cute now.

Damn, I loved Puck from Glee too! The show was a mess and I got tired and gave up on it fast (before the end of season 2, I think), but the only character I had any sympathy for was Puck.

I hope Mark Salling is rotting in jail (which, unfortunately, is very unlikely, as celebritinesss gives you immunity against the

One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a cute little baby.

Oh no, they hate real intellectuals, not “alternative intellectuals” (or as they call, “alt-lect”).

Ohh no no no. You missed the memo in the White House. For Republicans guns don’t kill people, and white kids accidently with guns also don’t kill people, only dangerous dark-skinned minorities with guns kill people. You see, a child only dies from gunshot when non-white minorities are involved, and since he is a white

A man believes a raped woman wasn’t raped because the rapist was also a man. Sadly no news here. Men love rape and fellow rapists.

I heard EarthBound tastes like fuzzy pickles.

It’s also a random taste, you never know when it is coming.

But do they taste as bad as milipedes? I am ashamed to admit I’ve tasted a milipede, and not as a child but as a grown-up teenager. It tastes life burning, and then leaves the tasting area of your tongue yellow.

Well, Trunks must have been born in some way, right?

Nothing, it has to do with Japanese popular culture, as it is also the purpose of Kotaku.

...Because, you know, those Kenyans live in the same planet as the Japanese. And...I guess some Niger-Congo languages sound similar to Japonic languages.

And Shakespeare in Love wasn’t even nominated.

I didn’t know I needed so much Mayan-inspired artwork, but now I know - I need more!