
Having no clue what scenes were shot in what order, I assumed that cruiser scene was added after Fischer died to tug at our heart-strings. If it was shot before, it should have been cut because the fact that Fischer is now dead makes that scene cheapen the movie.

I think what’s funny is that Johnson tries to make the First Order look strong and mighty by having the Resistance rack up so many losses throughout the movie. But in the end, as you suggest, it just feels like they’re these two little armies slap-fighting in a tiny corner of the galaxy. By the end of TLJ, the First

I liked TFA....UNTIL I saw TLJ. Not only did TLJ kind of retcon the OT, but it totally rewrote TFA. If I was JJ, I would be frustrated by all the plot threads that were ignored or just plain crapped on. This is not making the movie more interesting, but making it a waste of time. Both the viewers and the makers. Snoke

I sincerely believe Rian should’ve reshot/re-edited the movie to have General Leia die in the cruiser at the beginning. Have her death be the impetus for Luke to “train” Rey. Let Laura Dern’s character shine. Let the past die.

I’m sure this has been discussed, but I’ve seen TLJ twice now and when Snoke zaps Kylo with lightning, it shoots up out of the floor. It starts about three or four feet in front of Snoke on the floor and zaps upward into Kylo.

Agreed... Althouht they have option to drop this silly religious bullshit and start over with more interesting approach in later films. Without childish interpretations and such

Not only that, but TLJ—in my opinion—undercuts the whole premise of TFA, which was to find Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and either a) kill him or b) get him to help the Resistance. But in TLJ, we come to find out Luke’s just a washed up has-been with no interest in being “that guy” anymore. If Kylo and Rey share such a

Me too

The Last Jedi makes the whole thing make much more sense, in part simply because it seems to indicate that all three movies have been planned out in advance, at least to some extent.

Exactly. I don’t have the allegiance to the OT that some fans do, but I grew up reading enough of the EU novels and playing the roleplaying D&D-esque SW game enough to really get a feel for how the force takes shape in different characters and in different settings.

I disagree, I thought it made The Force Awakens practically meaningless since most of the (potentially) impactful story elements and characters they set up fell absolutely flat in TLJ.

Maybe Episode 9 will be different but so far I’m disappointed in all of the new movies.

Agreed. TLJ makes the First order seem like such a rink-a-dink bullshit operation, that it fucks up the whole narrative from the original 3. When we left off in RotJ the 2nd death-star had just been destroyed and the Empire seemed to be on the ropes. Enter Snoke, who we have next to no history on, and he rebuilds the

Same here... this isn’t the Star Wars that I know and love. It just made me finally pick up the thrawn trilogy and install KOTOR again.

Can we get someone who actually likes Star Wars to edit this article?

I think they completely fucked up almost every bit of continuity they set up in TFA. I was fine with Rey not having famous parents, but what they did with Snoke was fucking stupid. Since Kylo asked Rey to join him in the middle of the second act, it screwed up the pacing and made Kylo a mopey jerk who now has no path

Hot Take: Last Jedi wasted some huge potential for the dumb Vader Knock-off Helmet.

TLJ made me realize this new Star Wars era is not for me and that’s unfortunately ok

Didn’t Rian Johnson pretty much confirm on Twitter that the films weren’t planned in advance?

another solution: dont buy Apple products that dont work even though it’s the 10th generation.

This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who