Jeez, have any more comments to leave about Gal Gadot?! You’re having a crap fit all over this thread. Are you Palestinian? Did Gal Gadot personally hurt you? Or do you just simp for Ashley professionally?
Jeez, have any more comments to leave about Gal Gadot?! You’re having a crap fit all over this thread. Are you Palestinian? Did Gal Gadot personally hurt you? Or do you just simp for Ashley professionally?
You know, something really troubling is how so many people have used Palestine as an excuse to fully pull off their masks and allow their antisemitism breathe right out in the open.
In 2019 the movie industry made $41 billion and the music industry made $19 billion.
Video games made $152 billion.
Not really no. I enjoyed Rogue, and I liked Arno in Unity, and did somewhat enjoy AC: Syndicate ( especially in the Dead Kings DLC), but after black flag it seemed like something was missing? I don’t know how to describe it really. Of course I’m also someone in the minority who was REALLY into the modern day story…
No snark implied
Yah, I kept reloading the page to see if there was more that wasn’t appearing. Don’t get me wrong, I 100% agree with it, just was waiting for more.
Gotta bait them clicks somehow.
sorry to say this was 100% Slack law
And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.
Isn’t that overhead one of the notable reasons why the Star Trek film series ended up being such a loss maker and now cancelled? I can see why Paramount are dumping him when really he’s been rather overhyped on the back of Cloverfield and not much else of late quite frankly.
A big reason I like Star Trek (TNG in particular) is the sense of wonder and optimism that permeates the shows. The Federation is basically a utopia, and the Enterprise’s goal is to explore simply for the sake of discovery. While every series had its share of dark moments, the overall vibe was a positive one. This new…
Counterpoint: Fall damage, while sometimes annoying, is often fine. Would Breath of the Wild be better if you could just jump or fall off of anything without ever taking damage? It would not.
The sea missions were the best new part of the game IMO. When they announced Black Flag I wasn’t surprised they’d taken that section of the game and built a whole game around it.
Shame they killed off Desmond though.
Guess that pretty well closes up any of the ambiguity remaining in the ending, although I think it was only a tiny minority of fans that thought the dude in the cart was anybody but Lelouch.
Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?
That’s a fair and educated point. I’m starting to think that if you’re in the rebel alliance you’re going to make bad choices no matter what.
Oh don’t even get me started on that one... I don’t need improv comedy in a sci-movie about battling ghosts, thanks.
Exactly what I’ve been saying since day 1. “The Last Jedi” is a pretty flawed movie (when we went out of the theater me and my friend’s reactions were something along the lines of “Well, alright then... I guess this happened”), but it’s got literally nothing to do with “liberals/Disney ruining Star Wars”. It was just…
Luke was not pwning sith lords in his teen years. The film establishes he has piloting skill, has him be entirely at vader’s mercy in the climax until Han saves him, and his big achievement is making a shot without a targeting calling upon the force.
If luke had: learned force powers in a day, beaten…
Yeah my issue with rey is as a character. Daisy Ridley I am sure I would like in a better movie. It’s somewhat similar to the Kirk in the abrams version of star trek. That version of kirk is an incompetent screwup and a smug asshole. Chris Pine...well I knew if I waited long enough there would be a movie with him that…