Distinction without a difference as far as I’m concerned. It’s just a way for people to be pedantic and feel like they’re taking part in a discussion that they have nothing to contribute.
Distinction without a difference as far as I’m concerned. It’s just a way for people to be pedantic and feel like they’re taking part in a discussion that they have nothing to contribute.
I’ve seen the trick of bump firing without mods, but it was more of a redneck trick than a military tactic.
You can bump fire a rifle without a bumpfire stock using physics. Or make a similar device with a piece of PVC and a spring and put it over the buffer tube on an AR platform rifle. Regulating the bumpfire stocks won’t do away with bump firing.
Now THAT can kill a dragon. Just put 2 dosens of those bad motherfuckers in a line and shoot them all at the same time and one has to hit the dragon. Now, you would need like at least 96 arranged in a circle so if the dragons see them they can not flank them and burn them to the ground. Oh and better if you have 2…
“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”
eeeeepp...I think that some advanced sexting, like i’m into some kinky shit but I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing those kinks right off the bat. He had me with the vibrator torture stuff, then after that it got a little creepy.
I want Canada to annex us because Justin Trudeau has invaded my heart.
1-800-273-8255 is the national suicide hotline you can also chat online w someone suicidepreventionlifeline.org they are 24-7 and can get you local resources. You are in pain and it feels like a solution, please talk with professionals to show you alternatives.
You know Mike Pence is doing the Mr. Burns pointy fingers thing right now.
They drafted women in the 60's???
The short con is Trump funneled money from his own bank account to his campaign to his businesses and family. But it’s a loan and not a donation, so he’ll get that money back.
I think what explains Donald Trump is that he has no sense of long term consequences for his actions or his statements. The book that took him from random real estate developer to pop culture reference was “The Art of the Deal,” not say, “The Art of the Stable, Viable Long Term, and Profitable Deal that Yields Steady…
So Michelle Obama went into the future to plagiarize a talking horse? I mean, she seems very capable so I wouldn’t say it’s beyond her abilities, but it doesn’t sound like the FLOTUS I know.
Agreed on all the points about steam as a viable power source: limited range caused by fuel (wood) and steam capacity (spare water). Seeing as how no engine of the time would have the power / traction to push around enough armor to make it withstand a single direct hit from cannon, all you’re doing is creating a big…
They are certainly not flying back home. Too much risk, too much fuel cost. That’s beyond out of the question.
You will make a killing when you sell your unused mattress on craigslist, just don't stab the guy that comes to buy it.
There is a difference between a tool which can kill someone but which has other purposes, and one which is good for nothing but killing people.