Bullshit. If a guy showed up with the same perfect abilities all of a sudden, better than everyone at everything, I would have called him a Gary Stew. Would calling Rey a female Gary Stew make you feel better?
Bullshit. If a guy showed up with the same perfect abilities all of a sudden, better than everyone at everything, I would have called him a Gary Stew. Would calling Rey a female Gary Stew make you feel better?
I didn’t hate it, but I thought it was pointless and tonally deaf to the rest of the movie. It took us out of the flow of the main story and added nothing. It could have been interesting if it was in a completely different movie, with a different plot. And preferably different characters.
I hated the movie (not because of the female characters, but because of how incompetent everyone was, and the poor choices the RJ made). So if we state that the women were responsible for the movie, then I think we’ve just seen the proof of the equality of the sexes - the women have successfully fucked up as much as…
resulting in a feature that is—hilariously—just 46 minutes long
It had too many competent women in positions of power.
Wrong. TLJ makes all previous SW movies much less interesting. The only way it improves other SW movies is by comparison - they are much better because TLJ is a new low for Star Wars.
Wait, really? WTF? Maybe it’s because I am white, but is that all??
I am not saying there is no difference, I am saying that the rule/law that you propose would be much harder to clearly define than you suggest. For example, semi-auto to auto conversion can also be achieved with a small plastic hand-crank attachment that you can probably 3d-print or make out of wood. You insert it…
The problem is that with some weapons you can use a rubber band to approximate the same effect. Which leads to making it illegal for people to own a gun and a rubber band at the same time. So it is not that simple.
LOL. I am not going to hold my breath.
I do not dispute that Apple’s system is superior to the one on Android, since we know about issues with that. I am disputing that it is a big feature in the first place, especially since variations of it have been available for so long on other platforms.
I am not trolling. Face information is available in photos, iris information is not. Therefore it is more secure.
It’s an inferior (or at best somewhat evolutionary) implementation of a feature that wasn’t that exciting several years ago. The fact that this is in the top 5 means that there is little to announce. That’s about all I wanted to say.
How is it better than the Windows Phone iris recognition implementation? Windows Phone would continue to work if you grew a beard or were wearing a scarf. Windows Phone is also harder to spoof because nobody has your “iris print” whereas facial structure could be taken from several photographs - e.g. from Facebook.
Which once again means that it is not new in any way, but is a minor improvement on an idea that has already been done by everybody else.
Really? Face ID made it in the top 5? That technology was available on Android in 2011, and even has a superior counterpart on Windows phones (ID by iris, which is better and harder to spoof).
That would work unless there are several ballistae spread out, defending each-other. Alternatively they could be under some sort of cover - e.g. in a castle tunnel or wall, so that an attack from above doesn’t work. Plus, there aren’t that many dragons - the defenders have to be lucky only three times to kill off…
A single one, at that range? Placed on top of a tower, like an AA gun? Yup, absolutely. Unless you put a black powder fragmentation warhead on each bolt, but unfortunately Ash is not in charge of this cluster.
Well, obviously, if the baby had its own gun, everything would have been fine. He/she could then have defended itself. What we need is more guns, not less!