Are you being sarcastic, or is that a real question?
Are you being sarcastic, or is that a real question?
I came to this article from IO9, so I was completely confused by the choices - all the idiotic shows are “watch” many/most of the sci-fi stuff is “NOT”. But then I noticed which site I was on, and became obvious - I am not the target demographic of this author or web site.
Step 1: Sell the mac.
Wow, blast from the past. I made that comment in 2011, and remember nothing about this discussion - just had to reread it.
These look incredibly uncomfortable. I suspect my ears would start hurting after at most an hour.
These look incredibly uncomfortable. I suspect my ears would start hurting after at most an hour.
The best part are the expressions on their faces. You don’t even need the sound. The the news anchor has this astonished and disbelieving look on her face, like she can’t believe what she is hearing.
Exactly. In the trial where he was trying to sue somebody for saying that Trump is bankrupt, he explicitly stated that a large part of his capital is just the brand itself. His name. This is all to grow the brand - or at least it was at first. I suspect that by now he has so much ego invested in this that he wants to…
I think you are close, but not quite. Trump previously has said that his name is a huge part of his brand and capital. He explicitly stated that in his lawsuit where he had to explain how much money he has. I think initially his plan was to not get elected but to “grow his brand” - make his name well known and…
That’s not a rebuttal. If the SC decided differently, then Gore could have won. If the ballots were better designed, Gore would have won. If Nader wasn’t running (or if people didn’t vote for him), Gore would have won.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
That is very much debatable. Nader (or the fact that he was a candidate) had a hand in what happened. If Gore was a better candidate, he could have won. If Nader wasn’t on the ticket as a 3rd party candidate, Gore would have won.
Two words: Ralph. Nader. OK, now a number: 2000.
She spent the last decade (with a brief governmental interregnum) making millions off speeches to Wall Street.
From what I know, there are two reasons why there are so few demos:
What confuses me is the people who get angry at the arguments that game makers should be payed for their work. They get upset over “greed” of the game developers, and yell at people who point that out. That blindness is what confuses me - people feeling entitled to be able to get games for free.
The reason for this is that nobody in SW galaxy knows how anything works, knowledge is being lost, and everyone has forgotten how to build decent holoprojectors. Think about it - tech in SW has been at a standstill for 4-5 thousand years. Barring ridiculous scale superweapons, KOTOR era tech is basically the same as…
Those games are weird. Any modern game that doesn’t implement “jump” is way too oversimplified for me.
Oh, stop bitching about another culture. I am pretty sure that Hungary doesn’t have the same context of blackface and racism as US. It has its own history of racism, obviously, but the conversation there is completely different.