
you are a gentleman/woman and a Scholar, thank you!

not sure whats up with amazon but it won’t ship to any address or drop box in san diego...no reason given.

not sure whats up with amazon but it won’t ship to any address or drop box in san diego...no reason given.

So where is the term “Oma” from? i have never heard it till today...

is there ANY WAY to turn off “Vehicle reported on shoulder ahead” BS? it gets so annoying when listening to anything on your drive. i’ve started abandoning waze in lieu of the googs cause i hate the interruptions.

don’t know anything about nissan but that looks like shots from a recently announce VR game that’s coming next week....

Game footage is intercut with silly, overblown and cringeworthy reaction shots.

you are being very heartless, and again, completely missing the point. This guy isn’t blaming the companies for his addiction. He is merely showing that when game have this type of gambling in their game it can destroy lives.

you are missing the point. we should be free to buy and play a game without some added “lootbox” type thing that’s so easy to get sucked into.

trolls will be trolls. Sadly no one truly understands addiction until you realize and admit to yourself that you are addicted to something. lol in their case it’s probably trolling!

logic doesn’t work when addiction comes into play. Its not about people teaching him what right and wrong. Addiction is a disease and it never makes much sense.

Its brave of him to come out and talk about this. I imagine there are a HUGE number of people who have this same problem but are embarrassed to come out and say anything about it. I mean who can justify to themselves that they just spent hundreds of dollars on a stupid mobile game?

everyone has an addiction—some are just more destructive than others. As for counseling, everyone needs it at some point.

true true. I think my biggest issue with 13 was the lack of a worldmap. give the the FF7 or 8 method of navigating the world anytime over the crap i had in FF13. Even if its the ILLUSION of freedom...it still very much makes the game for me.

OMG 13 pissed me off so much. the entire game was just running. running down hallways or corridors of different material. sure it might “look” open or outdoors, but it’s still just a hallway you run through.

top quality article. cracker-jack journalism. obviously took two writers to make this.

naw man naw...he got up there and just realized his entire life revolves around a cell phone game now. what would YOU say to that?

damn. so many thoughts.

realtalk: does anyone actually like Cortana? I go out of my way to disable it and all its shit on Win10...would NEVER want to put it on my phone. i mean really....Bing?

aw snap its happening.