esports aren’t sports. whether they are classified as such or not.
esports aren’t sports. whether they are classified as such or not.
gosh! so much anger here when all i was trying to say was essentially “nothing has happened yet so rather than guess (even educated guesses) let’s wait and see!”
could definitely be naive for sure, but not stupid. just hopeful. at this point we have nothing to go on but fear. Tomorrow, when the proposal is released, we can rage. i mean hopefully not but hey.
totally agree. but getting it outside that java box is huge. I always hated that i could run any game on max but my system would chug when i tried putting a simple shader pack into minecraft, lol.
lol wut? talk about a leap...i think maybe you are too damn high...and aggressive too! I’d return the greeting, but since i know nothing about you i will just say good day sir.
lol ok then. continue on your path to righteousness! nothing but thumbs up from me. But i will say thank you!
hey now, no name calling, that’s just mean.
very true, but until we have more to go on (like when the proposal is released tomorrow) fear mongering isn’t the best way to go.
oh DEFINITELY not. if i could get IO9 separately though...that would be nice.
nothing in my post contradicts that statement. I merely stated that the article is filled with “if” and “could” statements.
ah name calling. way to drive your point home!
well once the full proposal is released tomorrow, I suppose we will find out what kind of transparencies will (hopefully) be put in place to prevent that kind of thing.
the report mentions that the entire proposal is available to teh public somewhere. might you know where?
can’t speak to the first half cause i didn’t tell anyone anything...
the vote is happening. can’t change it...its scheduled.
kudos on this. I really liked that level as well and you are completely right—its all spot on Luke in his post RotJ glory.
until they happen they are unprovable. Not saying they will or won’t heck they mostly likely will, i dunno. point is there is no use making a fuss over something you can’t do anything about.
newsflash though: none of it worked. i signed petitions, i made the comments. and it don’t matter clearly. they are doing the vote...