
and how’s that worked out for ya so far, cause it clearly didn’t work for me. all the petitions i’ve signed, all the complaints and comments and stuff and the vote is still happening. so again...all we can do is wait and see. and hope goddamnit. Hope. 

Waiting until IF’s and COULD’s become facts is stupid beyond belief.

well damn, someone’s in a testy mood. both insulting AND discriminatory in one sentence! Great job!

nope don’t care to. just know that if’s and could’s are a far cry from “will”

i am all for net neutrality...but this is just a big list of IF’s and COULD’s...i mean come on. IF i go outside, a meteorite COULD hit me on the head to...it doesn’t mean it will.

lol easy there cowboy. hilarious or not it IS a pain when dealing with the various versions of the seemingly infinite number of modpacks and stuff out there. I don’t know how many times i have found some really cool mod, only to find that it only works with some much older version of minecraft that i am playing on

the java version of minecraft is crap. I have never had a more difficult time trying to get a game to work with the various mod packs and graphics tweaks. With matching the versions to the correct mod and all that...blech.

cant wait for this to be on PC...

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.

a system that veered dangerously close to “pay-to-win” waters.

if EA is really listening to the fans as they claim, maybe they will add some starfighter specific modes.

they should add VR specific advice on this. like stay hydrated and take breaks and all that.

lol oddly i buy most of my games on PC specifically because of the modding and such...

kindly create an article on the most useless variety of every color of the human race please. gotta be fair now.

lol glad you could give a non-biased overview there...

hey don’t sell yourself short now. I want to see your nudes! it may be a can’t-look-away, trainwreck kinda situation, but hey i still wanna see.

i don’t care what you are arguing about. that’s just mean and way too harsh. he’s got his opinion and you’ve got yours. no need for threats or wishes of violence to enter. damn.

lol yeah it is. you never had a job that had a few side effects that weren’t TECHNICALLY “part of the job” but were completely something that just sorta comes with the job?

...ever been to San Diego? literally every eatery has a dish like that with their own spin. Carne Asada fries, Gyro Fries, Pulled-Pork w/ MacnCheese Fries...the list goes on. Don’t even get me started on the various middle eastern/Asian spins on the idea.

Having naked images of you stolen and then being blackmailed to prevent their release is 100% NOT part of their job.