am i the only one who is just not feeling the new “pro”tagonist? The first one had Marston, who was a bad guy—but was tired of that and sort of trying to find some sort of ah hem—redemption. This guy just seems....like a bad guy.
woulda been more fun if the article examined female characters. Clickbait opportunity fail.
almost missed the fact that this is getting VR. definitely worth a look.
banned all sexual content huh? lol you don’t get out much.
but you don’t have to!
people are weird. the precise reason i hate twitch and watching someone stream is cause i don’t give a shit about their opinions or reactions while playing a game. If i want to experience that game, i will either play it my damn self or watch something without the commentary.
so this guy clearly has that magic paintbrush that makes everything real once it’s finished right? and he is only leaving out one tiny detail so it doesn’t pop off the page?
the problem with this game is that people don’t realize what the game is actually DOING.
point is that it definitly has been optimized. my hardware is my only benchmark—and its literally quadruppled in FPS since day one...so when people keep screaming about NO OPIMIZATION, its cringe inducing—cause there has been a lot.
i’m really not sure what you mean by “they’ve long forsaken that path” you mean cause they added some less accurate type creatures? or something else?
oh GOD. can’t roll my eyes enough when i see this. the game has been optimized SOOO much since day one it’s like a new game. runs like butter on my rig now with everything on epic, whereas it used to run at about 15 fps on the exact same hardware with everything set to medium.
i laugh at this argument. If the game is good...and the DLC looks to be worth the money...what does it matter? you are supporting the developers to make MORE GAME, and you always have the option to NOT buy the DLC.
Some community members have expressed frustration that there’s no way to purchase the season pass at a discount if you bought Scorched Earth last year as an early access supporter, before the bundle was a thing.
no Gender Wars? that game was amazing!
what....in the actual fuck?
“I wasn’t about to have this book go out and not acknowledge that people like me exist,”
...uhh. MAC filtering? even if someone IS using your wifi...just enable MAC filtering, put your MAC’s in there and boom...no more issues.
oooooooor don’t make sports that big a deal maybe? won’t be sad if there is no favorite team!
lol i remember form week one, making a forum post that i was baffled as to why people would invest so much time into an official server when it would (most likely) get wiped at official launch.