
same—I was military AND was a military brat. never in one place for more than 3 years. meeting new people is a pain when you got work and family.

*reads article*

after the sims adult mod article, this makes me worry about what is to come....

if you have binoculars, aim the big end at the sun and find the sweet spot. once you see a blurry spot, focus the binocs and you will have a clear, blown-up view (depending on distance form the shadow) , rather than the little pinhole one.

that literally happened to me. like literally. wife was sleeping next to me and i got a swat for no reason. soon after i learned to dodge really well...cause it happened a few times.

why are you allowed to post shit like this?

Did you ever get one of those chain text messages?...During my high school years...

last time i checked, people don’t eat, talk or do much of anything with their butt...so it doesn’t really matter if you get some kooties on it form a toilet seat.

are.....are you serious with this? even if the kid got startled by the toilet, if you were doing anything right up till that point, I am sure you could just say “hey...its the toilet, don’t be scared”

this baffles me a bit. Wouldn’t this be considered indecendt exposure? I mean if a male exposed himself to someone—and it got reported, the guy would get arrested right? So if that same male now shoots someone a dick pic without warning, its...technically the same thing really.

the update (and the 60% off sale) made me finally buy this game. Its interesting...but the lack of multiplayer really hurts it. well that and the fact that every planet is kinda the exact same thing.

pretty sure this is all just screencaps from future Banner Saga games...

If this was in the game and had not been specifically banned, how was this at all dishonorable? Oh sure it will be patched out soon...but he was using all aspects of the game to his advantage—just as the other players could have as well.

my imaginary black friend who asks me questions in my head sounds smarter than the imaginary white person you have in yours.

i tried this too! but she got so mad that i scratched up the banister and made the house smell faintly like pee.

I wasn’t gonna say anything—but after reading your whole pretentious thread of comments, meh why not. I got some time to kill.

i love video games as much as the next guy but the whole point of the Olympics is a celebration of human capability—not button mashing (and yes i know a skilled gamer doesn’t mash the buttons randomly, but a mashing they do get...).

its this kind of hard hitting journalism that really cements this sites place in the world.

i hear ya. as others have said, i guess “fun” can be swapped for enjoyable. but even then..if you aren’t enjoying something—which typically equates to the idea of “fun”...then why bother?