that’s why you gotta install that mod that allows you to have a much better ending...
that’s why you gotta install that mod that allows you to have a much better ending...
out of curiosity, what are you playing on? I have the PC version and have seen zero issues with weird glitches and such (besides normal stuff that literally every game has)
honestly—-it was one tiny side quest. ease up...they are not all winners. Take the best RPG ever and there are still forgettable side quests.
opinions are great but I gotta disagree with yours wholeheartedly. I have been playing this non-stop since i got it. It takes all the stuff i loved about the first game (exploring planets with the buggy, and good plot) and removed the stuff i hated about some of the other games (time constraints, fate of galaxy on… about the actual game? People are giving it crap because it’s not gay enough?
....well shit. i was hoping for the game to be redone in teh SC2 engine...not just a prettier version of the original.
The romance options in this game kinda suck.
i’m still trying to figure out the problem here.
you can also wrap a wet paper towel around the bottle and pop it in the freezer for a few minutes.
you can also wrap a wet paper towel around the bottle and pop it in the freezer for a few minutes.
and depending on the situation, certain outputs can also be inputs. If she’s into it.
i liked your post. but one thing—
I been building computers since I was a kid...nerve wracking it is not—especially with the internet at our fingertips...
this game looks way more fun than the game i usually play when i get home to my wife and she wants something done—
...pretty sure it’s not healthy to hold a grudge that long.
good God....this is honestly more horrifying than anything out of the last 20 years of horror games.
i think you are confused sir—-this is a spin-off.
i am waiting for the big VR release to finish everything up.
fucking clickbait.
this game is gonna be SO SWEET once it gets out of Early Access—-when is the projected release date again?