
soooo...when it was first announced we were all like, oh its a prequel. Now the internet “sleuths” have found out that its...a prequel.

....and yet its all publicity. This movie will do well.

this guy....*sniff*

guys—-clearly this was some sort of Finding Nemo moment gone wrong. there was some sort of whacky quest/mission thing that the shark needed to do on land and they got the shopping cart to take action—unfortunately things aren’t like Pixar movies in real life, Mr. Sharky. If he would have completed the journey we

an app called GenderEQ that uses gender stereotypes to work. top kek for my monday.

i am not big on computer based card games (seems silly) BUT—-you would think that this game would be PERFECT for the mobile experience (much like Gwent actually IS in the Witcherverse) You are on the train—-someone has Gwent—-you play each other. seems like a perfect idea...

i....i don’t think we played the same game.

hey dumb dumb—-that’s why anime is so popular—-cause the characters don’t look like they are just one nationality. Americans think they look american—Europeans think they look European. Africans—-well...maybe it’s not as popular in Africa.

This actually makes things better for some of the die-hard fans i know. They are probably going to watch the Japanese dubbed version with subtitles lol.

Rarely have I entered a sauna or steam room and not been at least masturbated at.

i—wait what? the women were gone?

*facepalm* jesus.

i like the cut of your jib, sir.

pretty sure that last flamingo clip is how the end of times starts

dude....you are not allowed to post about Indy anymore.

i dunno—i have had more fun with this one than previous BF’s. I do wish there were more weapon mods though...but as stated—100+ yo warfare had its drawbacks.

...and promptly enters deep depression after his sense of “accomplishment” wasn’t quite what he expected. Sets his sights on SNES—That will do it.

am I the only one who thinks that the hannah montana glitches is STILL more normal than current Miley?