Christ dude—-your salt level is high.
Christ dude—-your salt level is high.
i can’t....
you kiddin? the Cage one is HILARIOUS.
Fahey: The Star Wars films have been pretty black and white as good vs. evil goes historically. Even their shady smugglers are squeaky clean. This movie has tons of grays.
this comment single-handily invalidates any future comments you make regarding stereotypes.
I have that book somewhere—-pretty interesting stuff. We always played Vampire: The Masquerade, which was pretty adult oriented on its own, so i figured i would pick that up for the occasional D&D games we ran.
“someone who is looks for habitable planets for humans”
....why? like...just...why? how does he support himself? was he paid to do this? does he live at home? what?
play a vive game with full room support. then play an oculus game. its pretty obvious which is a better overall vr experience...
my biggest question that has yet to be answered:
ugh. listen people...Conan is...well its Conan. its 1930's pulp. its huge strong men saving scantly clad women in distress. its what it IS.
Dear Everyone,
now i wanna see BF 1 glitches
at first i thought it was a big Creeper plush or something...that green! i could almost hear the shhhhhhhh behind me....BOOOOM
just hack his comlink—-duh
this. THIS. i lol’d hard...
this is awesome
actually it is decreasing property value.
i dunno—-if you own the property, and there is no HOA, then you should be able to pretty much do whatever you want on site. Why do people care so much about how OTHER peoples house looks near theirs?