
while i completely agree with you about Kubrick, i gotta say—you have ended friendships over differing opinions on movie directors?! I would hate to hear what you’ve done over religious of political differences...*shivers*

can’t you just do the non-lethal drop attack?

thats....it? when they said diablo 1 remake, i expected a nice looking remake of DIABLO 1—-not a filter that puts limits on the play and visuals of diablo 3.

awesome thanks!

haven’t played this yet but want to

this will be so awesome to see how it all unfolds. its like watching a trainwreck—you know its bad but you can’t look away.

as much as we (humans) want to, we will never eliminate “bullying”—its a fact of life. And to be honest? we need it.

as a PC player—-i can say that my playthrough of Skyrim SE so far is the smoothest i have seen — EVER. places that i was used to crashes (f5 is my friend) didn’t crash. Issues i was expecting to see didn’t happen. mind you, i always mod the shit out of the game—-and it was ALWAYS a rough ride....but so far? the

I honestly do not understand why anyone would want to play something like this...

ah HAAAA 1949 you say? this is the W W ONE...aint no Geneva Conventions here!

....code does not seem to work...just tried it...

....code does not seem to work...just tried it...

fixed your title for you—no need to thank me :D

am i the only one who saw Shadowrun in ALL of those pieces? man now i’m itchin for a run...gotta call the Johnson...

christ dude was to nuke it.

maybe i am just crazy but those bullet points are jabs to the entire space video game genre....not just Star Citizen. Maybe two points are obvious jabs, but the rest can fit every space game out there—from No Man’s Sky to Mass Effect. (“No crew member will be left unromanced”—i lol’d)

meh. i haven’t touched anything that is warcraft for years—-but opinions are like assholes—we all have them and most stink.

“what “Anime” Means”

this is literally one of the first things i thought to do once i found out you could make settlers fight each other...just waiting for survival mode to come out of beta so i can start this off good.

i think they should have radios that you menacingly aim at things ala the E.T. re-edit.

i am so confused. the original conroversy was because a female standing and looking behind here was “too sexualized”