
That ran 13 years before Jared was arrested and 15 years before people started going public about Spacey. That’s impressive.

That list is... fantastically prescient.

Sometimes I wonder if “becoming an adult" just means be boring, wear ugly clothes, get overweight, be cranky and criticize everything or else you’re much too immature. Nah, I’m good.

That’s smashing! I too have seen TMBG with my parents, so I can definitely relate to that.

Great stuff, one of my absolute favourite albums. I’m particularly fond of ‘Twisting’.

You also have to master the quickness of releasing the cookie and spinning it so that the bit where your fingers were also gets saturated with milk. Otherwise, you have a crunchy spot on the cookie.

I believe he co-opted that on in real life, too.

I would FULLY support an “Evil Dead” with Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) and Brandy (Arielle Carver-O’Neill).

(And yes, we know Woolery also hosted The Love Connection, but this is a Scrabble house.)

A voice of Winnie the Pooh. Not the voice. If anyone gets the honor of the definite article, it’s Sterling Holloway.

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

>The family and estate ofLord Of The Rings author JRR Tolkien are keenly aware of this, having fiercely fought over the years via lawsuits and sternly worded statements to uphold the author’s reputation and buck against the commercialization of his works. 

Not really. In the broadest sense of the word, they were colleagues. They didn’t become “acquainted” with each other until Eddie became Venom.

It’s like how I could only think of the song “Wants to Be With You” whenever anyone mentioned Mr. Big from Sex & The City.

Now playing

I feel like an opportunity was missed here.

Honestly, between this and AQUAMAN (which I did like better), I’m kinda here for “superhero who movie admits is maybe kind of a dumb guy.”

If he’s not careful, it could lead to his Ruination.

I have yet to read the article cited here, but that will not stop from bringing my big issue with the notion of a “guilty pleasure”. In my experience, it is often a phrase we use as a hedge against the criticism of our tastes by others. If we like something that critical or popular consensus has deemed bad and we