
I would listen to the Marc Maron episode but I’m at the age where I have to be selective about how I spend my time.

I saw the best minds of my generation

I think my biggest problem with the performance last night had to do with the music mix that was put together.

Anyone who doesn’t have kids is politely invited to shove their parenting advice directly up whatever orifice they are not currently employing to have kids.

And it’s been interesting and fun to listen to him work through all his grudges and bitterness on his podcast. I chalk most of it up to his being on coke for however many years it was, but he seems like a guy I’d actually want to sit and talk to for a while. I couldn’t have said the same while he was trying to snort

Yeah, that’s a great bit. He was also the first comic to start a special with simply saying ‘What the hell is he going to do now?!’ in reference to Trump. I’ve seen a few other comics do it too (and I don’t think anyone was stealing from each other, it’s just how we think now), but his was the first and hit me

Maron’s latest hour is probably the strongest stuff he’s ever done. So glad he’s graduated from just being a bitter fucking asshole like he was for most of the ‘80s and ‘90s. I love his podcast most of the time, but damn if he isn’t one of my favorite comics now too.

I really enjoyed Make Happy but it’s closer in some ways to a one-man show than a standup set. 

My thought - and I could be wrong - was that all the characters are still in the afterlife, and this is a simulation, so all the languages/accents are still corrected like they were throughout the first two seasons. Michael and the Judge didn’t actually bring them back to life (right?) and go back in time/change the

I gotta be petty...

This is an odd hill you’ve chosen to die on, but hey, at least you’re dead.

It’s definitely not a Transformers movie, because you can look at the images and tell what things are.

I don’t care what any one says, his performance in The Jazz Singer was fine.

I thought the same thing when seeing “two great full albums”, since I love all three. I think about “Cream and Bastards Rise” constantly at work, but “Moral Centralia” is probably my favorite from Little by Little.

“Wine, Women, and Song” by Harvey Danger (the Flagpole Sitta guys). They actually have two great full albums.

He’s been out of the game for almost a decade?

“I Appreciate Ironic AV Club Articles On A Deeper Level Than You”

If he could come up with that many rhymes for “hippopotamus,” his lyrics would truly be bottomless.

I feel like the only person in the world who loved finding out that Snoke was a maguffin. I think it’s hilarious and delightful.

“Better raps than Encore” and “better beats than Recovery” is such a low bar to clear and definitely not the same as a “good album”