
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say, you don’t fully understand your loan. It is a simple interest loan. Interest accumulates on the principal every day. If you continue to make payments a month apart, you will continue to pay one month of interest every time. It doesn’t matter if you pay on

I’m not sure being a lame duck the current administration should have revamped this in their last year. I mean the people should get a choice. ;)

But the thing I like most is that they removed the old cable. I hate it when they just leave it in place. Might have had something to do with historic building status.

Exactly. Part of the Uber Agreement that every driver must sign is to immediately disclose if they are participating in a mass shooting that day if the customer inquires.

Even with the background check equivalent to most other new jobs, it doesn’t seem that there were any red flags. This guy seems to have had no criminal history prior to this event.

Your logic is completely flawed. Unless a person has committed a crime (usually a felony) in the past and found guilty of it, no background check in the world is going to weed out this sort of mental illness. Any taxi you might get into would have the same risk as getting into Uber driver's vehicle. Once a felon has

I can relate to that response as someone who works weird hours and is frequently tired, but I have no idea how it works as a mass-shooter.

I thought it sounds exactly like someone who has had a few drinks would ask. People with a few drinks in them generally think they’re much funnier than they actually are.

They have to tell you if they are the shooter. Everyone knows this.

The article is not being disingenous - but its a fine hair to split because its making use of the english language in a particularly interesting way in my opinion. But I don’t find anything particularly wrong with its approach.

IMO, her ex is a bit freaky and has a stalking history. He had access to her cell phone account the whole time and she might not have known it.

or have a real live girlfriend that can appreciate an awesome $150 droid

Which obviously you have not, as you have time to post insulting comments on a website devoted to toys.

A 150 dollar toy that already has a better navigation system than a Roomba.

Short Circuit has a scene that was shot near my childhood house in Hillsboro, Oregon. When I was 5 years old, we drove by the nearby church where there were assembling and testing some of those 15 prototypes mentioned in the article. My parents stopped the car and I was able to see those robots drive around in the

For the present large 777 (and other airliners for that matter) subasemblies and parts are just too valuable to send off to the breakers in some 3rd world country. Most if not all go to places like this:

Yes but it could be apart that was bad to begin with and was not on a plane but going for scrap. It is possible just like it is possible it is from the missing plane.

That’s a good point. It could very well be just a piece of scrap that got lost. I hadn’t considered that at the time (I was mostly focused on the needless negativity of the previous comment). I’m looking forward to seeing what gets uncovered as more information about this mystery is revealed.

But what happens to the scrap from planes that end up in the boneyard? He did not say that they lost a whole plane. Scrap may have washed off a ship en-route to China or else ware for whatever reason.

Despite all the insults being thrown at you, yes, it is not inconceivable that 777 scrap ended up in the water. That is the reason that authorities are not giving any guarantees about where the part came from. What happens far more often is that parts fall off planes in flight all the time (source: Aviation expert on

Why is it that you always get trolled? This is like the second or third article I've read where some asshole vomits completely baseless/douchy bullshit at you for seemingly no reason.