Using your bank’s bill pay with them is practically begging for problems. I’d discourage it.
Using your bank’s bill pay with them is practically begging for problems. I’d discourage it.
I’m intimately familiar with their systems and can assure you the payment still applied as requested. When a payment is received, it is applied to interest first then principal and if it’s equal to a full monthly payment, it advances the payment counter by one. If it’s equal to multiple monthly payments, it advances…
And it came to pass with stunning results.
I'm no lawman, but what those other people said seems about right.
I always got told to turn off my cd/cassette player as a kid and told to put it away for landing.
I'd expect this from Jesus, but not anyone else.
I can't help but think of Ashtray from "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" when I read this name.
Yes, but my body found a way to shut it down.
I dislike that "big lumbering" came across to me as "Bill Lumberg" initially.
Why is this bitch's tongue hanging out? Disgusting and classless.
Good eye.
I think the chauffer did it.
If your thought of not needing sunscreen in the Arctic is indicative of the rest of your knowledge, I'll take my chances with the Gerber bag.
And you're dividing the fuel cost equally amongst them all, I hope?
It'd be super swell if they'd turn the 'delete' functionality back on for comments and posts since they've assraped the side swipe delete action out of existence for more meaningless junk. What about post sharing?
7 of 9? Where have you been?
Free the apostrophes. They don't want to hurt you.