Elihu Aran

Hey some of us have jobs you know!


Hi! Okay so: A couple people already pointed this out, but yeah this is something that’d make a level designer cringe a bit, like “Oh crap they found a hole in the collision”. To the uninitiated though it’s pretty cool looking, innit?

I appreciate your articles, Dr. Nerdlove. Thanks again for your insight and thoughtful responses to folks’ relationship issues.

If I could offer some advice; maybe direct your anger at the poor soul who held you down and forced you to click on AND read the article.

For what it’s worth, there was a version of Namco Museum on the original DS that included Pac-Man Vs. and from what I can tell it sounds like you could play that multiplayer across multiple DS systems with only one cartridge of the game (via Download Play functionality).

Preach It! (Spellblade+Dual Wield+Rapid Fire 4 LYFE!)

I’m not sure about this grimdark remake of Coming To America.

Yeah I remembered that after the OP responded and I sadly couldn’t edit my post, fully knowing I’d be corrected lol. Hopefully people see you took the initiative.


Yeah but... the pun is brilliant. The hero gets the girl in the end.

Yeah I’m hoping this sells well enough for a Um Jammer Lammy HD Port.

And a Gitaroo Man HD update as long as we’re talking about rocking out and invoking the power of Satan.

Wow. That was actually, enlightening. I’ll have to check out this Mouth Sounds. I see somebody has linked it below.

I may add that old man in a ranch before the Lost Woods mentiones how the winds keep on chancing in the forest. I just followed the particles in the air in the second part.

don’t fucking call transfolk or crossdressers “traps”. jesus christ.

I like this quite a bit more, actually. The game they showed in alpha, I might have been able to convince one friend to play. This, I can bring to one of our tabletop game nights and I know immediately it will be a blast and everyone will love it. To each their own, I suppose!

Nah, we haven’t really covered it, although I remember hearing somewhere that it got delayed...

You will see fewer posts on Kotaku today, because the women on our staff are on strike as part of the “Day Without A Woman” to commemorate International Women’s Day. The strike is one aspect of a day intended to raise awareness about the value women contribute to society and the issues of inequality that they face. We

This looks like me trying to pick up women at the bar on Friday nights >.<