Elihu Aran

The Joy-Con have this barely used Infrared sensor, maybe they could use it to capture the sunlight?

Zero Mission was already announced as coming, it just hasnt shown up yet.

It’s so wild to see all these talks about what a great year it is for games when it’s been one of the worst years in history to be in games. There’s new layoffs every week and every dev I talk to is either jobless or desperately stressed they’re about to be jobless. 

Did they have PS5's?

you sure you saw actual psvr2 headsets? because ive searched GameStop and walmarts site and no one has any for sale or listed. everything on the web says the only place to buy them is the PlayStation store and the only ones on walmarts site is bundles for sale by third parties for marked up prices.

The reason I question that is Ubisoft seems to be once again saying they want to move away from making the modern day stuff playable, so for me when I read that it almost sounds like Infinity will basically just be a specialized launcher which lets you watch videos and read “emails” related to the modern day stuff and

I know this isn’t exactly on topic but can somebody please explain to me what Assassin’s Creed Infinity is going to be?

I get what you are saying but I think you are overlooking the fact that PSVR2 is not just an “upgrade” of the same system as the first PSVR.

PSVR2 is inside-out tracking with no external camera. Moreover, as already stated, the controllers are significantly different.

The software side (SDK) of the job wasn’t just

Why is anyone expecting a “casual” scene in a PVP mode for a 1st person shooter?

No. It’s about a modern person being plugged into a neural interface to access ancestral memories or some shit through mitochondrial DNA. Just so happens this one was a viking.

Charles Martinet was right there

which features my good sweet perfect boy, Rami Malek

Look at Mr. Herbert Einstein here, remembering plots to movies like some sort of rocket surgeon.

Tell me more about this incest fanfic you have created.

While I haven’t dealt with insurance there, generally it only pays out the value of the car. In this case, given that it’s an old Subaru, if it’s written off (likely) the potential payout is going to be pretty low. It might be very difficult to find an equivalent vehicle for the price of the payout - and certainly

My favorite mount is still the mummy camel. And my favorite weapon is the mummy cat beating stick. It gives me joy whenever I get them. 

Now playing

This article is so dumb, Kotaku continues to go downhill. Do better, Zack.

Nihilist runs are quite theraputic.

Meme's dead parkour?

Maybe you should include a warning about the IP addresses being leaked in public lobbies? https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/02/crab-game-is-popular-and-also-leaking-ip-addresses/