Elihu Aran

I challenge Harada to start Tekken x Street Fighter

There is a distinct lack of a Kotaku fish up there.

Your point was “whataboutsheep.” I addressed your whataboutism. This seems to have upset you deeply.

Society doesn’t have a sheep-murdering problem. Society has a creep problem. You are contributing to that problem with such blatant whataboutism.

You just earned the Whataboutism Platinum Trophy!

I’ve platinumed all the Taro-Verse games up to this point and considered it a point of pride but you can’t make me do this. I hope you’re right on the vendor.

Actually, this is... beyond dumb.

Hee he. If I could force myself to care about D2 anymore I would also want these, desperately.

I will probably never use those shells, but damn it if I don’t want them.

Wow. That’s stupid and I love it.

To your credit there IS an official rifle shell configuration that the move controller snaps into, and optionally the nav controller too, which does exactly what you described. Oddly, it is incompatible with PSVR. I know this because I own two of these shells, and the aim controller, as well as two smaller pistol

and your archers get a bonus from being on higher ground on that hill

That’s no Saturn, it's a space station

Any particular reason he also apparently doesn't exist in this article? Nobody got a screenshot? Or are we worried about the Big Mouse? 

I adore Evie but she was absolutely not the first playable female protag in an Assassins Creed title. You’re doing my girl Aveline dirty. 

You’re forgetting that Liberation had the first female Protagonist, not Syndicate.

“It’s a shame to see Assassin’s Creed Syndicate not making the jump, especially as it’s the first game in the series to feature a playable female protagonist.”

I’ve always considered Aveline from AC3 Liberation to be the first playable female assassin. It was included with the AC3 remaster which was nice. I’m wondering if that game is viewed more as a spinoff or side story compared to the other mainline titles.

You were thinking Peace Walker, weren’t you?

YES, Antichamber is the best non-Portal Portal-like game ever made. It just so much fun trying to uncover all of its secrets.