Elihu Aran


It is stretched out a bit -

dont be such a damp squib.

Hot Shots Golf, What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?

Announcing GTAV blood bank heist in honor of Halloween!

I’d read that article.

Magnanimous guilt trips, a new tool for combating piracy.

I loved both for the stories and the characters, but V definitely had amazing missions to it. IV is just a slow crawl up to a good game. V is just all over the place and still ends up being a good game.

Eggcellent reporting. I hope they crack the case soon. Cheating like this is no yolk. People who spoil other’s fun really makes my blood boil. They are basically poaching gyms. Their accounts should be fried.

It’s Phoenix’s first case, sure. But it’s not the first case in the series (chronologically), as there are a few flashback cases in later games. So it’s Phoenix Wright’s first case, but not Phoenix Wright(aka Ace Attorney, the series)’s first case.

Also, some fun Ace Attorney chronology facts: the first game is only


Class is... Dismissed.

dad, what are you doing on the internet?


Oh man this Hz to watch.

Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.