Elihu Aran

I grew up in a region that is pretty roundly acknowledged as That Place Where Weed Comes From and I can assure you that stoned people can get very violent. A popular activity in my high school was getting stoned then driving around and throwing objects at homeless people. Stoned people beat their spouses. Stoned

There are a scant few people who get utterly furious at everything when they’re high. I have a friend who’s scared to do pot because the one time he did, he was ready to start punching faces. I’m guessing this is an *extremely* uncommon reaction, though, and maybe medication interaction or some other weird thing,

I’ve known plenty of complete assholes who would get violent while stoned. The kind of people who will get shitty about basically anything, weed doesn’t just magically turn them into kittens.

Hm. You’re right.
If the studio isn’t involved, then i’ll give it a shot.

Don’t mix up Bethesda Softworks (the publisher) with Bethesda Game Studio (the dev). Just because Beth is publishing Doom, doesn’t mean Beth devs are making it.

SHIELD must make some damn fine coffee.

Who plays guitar? Drums all day, son.

The ongoing effect of this, is that talent will leave the industry completely. People will become sick of losing their jobs, and games pay less than what artists and engineers can get elsewhere. So they’ll, understandably, say “fuck it” and turn their backs on an industry that treats people like shit.

What? That’s one of the biggest “Fuck You’s” to common sense I have ever seen.
Now excuse me while I give myself a haircut with this here vacuum cleaner attachment.

Most people knew this was going to be the case. The way I see it they did it to push and see to what the N3DS is capable of but I’m sure most people rather play this on the Wii (myself included).

Exactly. The fact that people just love to jump on the “Let’s hate on Other M because the internet told me to” bandwagon make me sick. I find that the people who have actually played the game found it to be fun, exciting and incredibly stylish. An excellent action game, but a sub part Metroid game (based on the story

Only those that have never actually played Other M say that. The game might have had a questionable story, written by Metroid’s creator, but the actual gameplay was amazing. I haven’t had that much fun with a Metroid game since the original Prime. Anyone who says otherwise is just aping what the read online.

Team Ninja was in charge of the gameplay mechanics of that game, also known as the best part by far. The story, or the worst part if you like, was not of their work

So this'll be the comment that gains an embarrassing number of stars and reminds us how judgmental this community can be.

Looks like origin hasn't updated earth properly

sorry - i was not thinking of that, as they discuss the beatblasters in Amplitude similarly as shooters. Sorry for the confusion in semantics!