Thankyou I love how mr."I play 8 hours of video-games in my sisters basement" Is complaining about getting paid to do it, even that guy he's talking about who got fired kept it professional and probably moved on
Thankyou I love how mr."I play 8 hours of video-games in my sisters basement" Is complaining about getting paid to do it, even that guy he's talking about who got fired kept it professional and probably moved on
You got paid $11 an hour to play games, in a world where grown men get paid $8 to work at Walamart and struggling to make ends meet, and your complaining about it because you decided to quit 2 weeks before the project launched? Am i missing something, because this article is probably going to turn up the next time you…
wow this looks amazing
Both are companies both what [MONEY] get over it people none of them care about "you"
Man infinity would have sounded so much better
I really hate when girls act like every guy is focusing on them, do you really think that i'm staring at the back of your head for 2 hours girl that keeps turning around in lecture?
My thoughts exactly
My 250gb 360 that i bought less than a year ago becuase my original 360 died, 250gb hardrive just broke all my skyrim, dark souls, and around 7 years of game saves are gone
...WHY? Who wants this, all this can be done with a smartphone app, i want to see graphics, games and specs, plus that controller is ugly
Its basically a 300$ remote
I do not care about controlling TV, That is why i have a REMOTE what is this?
not the vending machine textures!
Breaking bad is definitely not a better show, just because your favorite half-baked parody made fun of the wire dosent take away from the quality of the series.
Had it been a man......
I mean your tax dollars that go towards military spending go towards "the arms industry" and are directly responsible for taking people's lives
The banner says "dat ass tho"
Maybe suspension and coaching but firing at the first offense is ridiculous, people have families to feed i understand Microsoft dosent want people to make the company look bad but come on
I love when companies use people who arent very good to demonstrate games, although in this case it may just be to show off the many ways a player can die
I dont know what "rap" is, but hiphop like all art over time has gone from simple beginnings to a golden age or peak (mid-90s) back to simplicity, compare a renaissance style painting to "modern art" today which can include an artists painting a campbell soup can, to the color red and be seen as a masterpiece