[SPOILERS:} There alternate versions of the same person that exist across time like the special quantum particles they developed
[SPOILERS:} There alternate versions of the same person that exist across time like the special quantum particles they developed
wow people are being jerks i understand what your saying
While he was being a colossal jerk i really think losing his job is extreme, because thats neglecting all the hard work hed did to get to the position of "creative director", now if he made racist comments that'd be a different story
This is why douches like this is why i hide my affinity for geek culture
"Those people" Really man because you just lost my money i've been a loyal xbox live member for almost 7 years now and because i live on a college campus with inconstant internet im one of "those people", not everyone can afford the things you can afford, i hate this nerd superiority complex that alot of people have…
I'm definitely switching to sony this generation because my college's internet service sucks, and i dont want to be locked out of the next bethesda game because resnet is down at 3am
Yo dawg...
it really does
They refuse to drop this lightening character....
7 years later i realize how corny these games really were, smh at 12 year-old Eli
EA would've sued them into oblivion
Exactly, probably using daddy's credit card for micro-transactions
I completley understand what he means by difficulty having beat dark souls 4 times, cod4 on veteran, gears on insane... etc. I know hat diffucluty is, but the Witcher 2 was ridiuclous, and incosistant becuase there are no health potions as far as i know (gave up after the blood traith quest) so you never know when you…
The first one
looks horribly over-saturated
...not cool
Agreed I own the ps3 and 360, and i never use my ps3 either, and these games that they revelaed all look like they can run on the ps3 to be honest.
There werent any black people there either (im black) and not once did it occur to me that sony was racist, lol you guys are ridiculous
I hate when white people misguidedly try to call something racist, their reasoning is usually more offensive than the thing in question ever is
Ok i usually hate when people come in and say "im black so its cool" but im gonna be that guy now, im black and i grew up in an urban enviorment and dont find this racist at all i thought she was a funny character