Eli Dyer

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,

I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.


Yeah, I don’t really understand why everyone’s turning on Strahan here. From what I’ve heard, it seemed like he didn’t really have much choice in the matter (I mean, he could have said ‘no’, but when the head of your network says “I’d like you to go on our flagship show full time to help shore up our numbers!” you

A thousand times, YES. She is the asshole, acting like an immature baby. He should get out now.

Usually its good to clear these things with your co-host before you bring them up on the air so they aren’t surprised as hell

Yeah, sorry, this is bullshit. For all those people who are like, “Kelly is so brave! Kelly is such a trooper!” Sorry, THIS is Kelly. All about herself and frankly a little mean. If I were Strahan I’d be like, Yeah, I’m out. Fill my chair for the next two weeks, just like you did for her. He was contractually

She’s being a total asshole.

There must be some dirt on this woman. She comes across a mean spirited. The kind who treats others like shit. Strahan should stop being nice, release his inner Defensive End and tackle her, hard (figuratively speaking of course).

I hope they replace Strahan with Mike Tyson...that’s a morning show I’d watch the hell out of.

Fuck Microsoft. You know basically fuck all these developers releasing and rereleasing the same old shit. I feel fucking sorry to the people who never got to experience the days of new and fresh IPs, gaming ideas and genres. Back when shit came out and it was unique and not rehashed bullshit call of duty fps 2016.

To be fair, that was EA’s doing. Bioware exists in name only, EA is the one with all the power. Never forget that.

Meh, I don’t trust BW to make decent games anymore. ME2 already went down a simplified path and moved away from RPG elements turning it into a glorified tunnel shooter. ME3 was just.....bleh.

I’m too lazy and I don’t care enough to type it out, so something something about supporting content creators blah blah, fat lazy people should be allowed to not get real jobs.

Sweet, now DA:I is over they’ve got a chance to make a better game that doesn’t:

While you’re decidedly wrong about that, I WOULD like to see some badass mecha.