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    This sticker is why sales are down at malls all across America.

    So an upgrade, then.

    Long-haul truckers do this for each other in the U.S., especially when they assist each other with merging lanes. The trucker being passed signals an all-clear to the trucker attempting to merge into his or her lane and that trucker, in turn, flashes a thanks after completing the merge. It’s a courtesy I’ve always

    I nominate the first four minutes of Quantum of Solace.

    I second this request.

    Sports-affiliated bumper stickers (and all other markers of fandom) are like great big “kick me” signs. You want to know how to get under this guy’s skin? There you go.

    So the Dodge Stratos is no more; it has ceased to be.

    How many cars are retired permanently anymore? Only the future knows for sure.

    “I’d actually respect and appreciate if the Cavs just went full elderly and traded for Vince Carter, Charles Barkley, Morgan Freeman and Dame Judi Dench.”

    Your reasoning is sound.

    I won’t argue that point. I will argue that this car doesn’t have it.

    Conceded, though the joke wasn’t about iDrive.

    As long as they keep the absence of iDrive, I think it’ll be a winner.

    An ounce of paranoia is worth a pound of inadequate cure.

    The opening chase in Quantum of Solace was pretty impressive, even if the rest of the film was generally disappointing.

    For my money, it’s not better than Ronin.

    Which friend?

    I can’t agree with “way more,” but I can certainly agree with “on par.”

    “They (typically) don’t pretend to be anything other than reliable, comfortable transportation.”

    I know it’s cold outside when my license plate turns to Idaho.