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    Colorado is wonderful. Coloradan elitists are not.

    It’s like watching an assembly line for Italian exotics run in reverse.

    I vaguely recall reading something somewhere sometime that claimed Lexus only offered the LFA as a lease. Could you actually buy one outright?

    Now playing

    I was always disappointed Land Rover dropped the torch, but glad to see someone picked it up.

    “Don’t worry, the Roller’s spec sheet gets significantly more insufferable, or awesome, depending on which side of the Wall Street protest police barricade you’re reading this from.”

    No album featuring Street Spirit can be on a list of this sort.

    For a variety of reasons, I’m not going to make a considered judgment of guilt here. Subconsciously, though, I took one look at the hipster and the word backpfeifengesicht instantly came to mind.

    The reason Idahoans are most likely to let you merge is because it gives them yet another reason to keep their foot off the accelerator.

    Looks like the Celica in this video was paying homage to its Liftback ancestors.

    What about emissions?

    It looks like Utah requires both safety and emissions inspections, but they’re on a schedule based upon the vehicle’s age:

    Minor quibble: sequestration was the result of budget limits imposed by Congress through the Budget Control Act of 2011 and signed by the President. Its background is far more complex than the implication that Obama unilaterally impaired the DoD.

    I’ve been driving cross-country pretty regularly for over a decade, and almost always alone. Never for business, nor to sight-see; it’s always to reach a destination for a specific purpose. My latest trip involved a moving truck and 20 hours to get to KC.

    Something about a BMW driver complaining about the lack of a signal to warn her ...

    Almost every? By that clause, your conclusion, and my experience, I assume you’ve not yet driven in Maryland or Idaho.

    My other comment was meant playfully. Your other points are valid, but tastes evolve. Save for nostalgia or recognition of the rare genuine classic, we tend to be embarrassed by or even despise what we once loved.