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    “For the price of a mid-range SUV, you can buy a muscle car with a V8 and just over 300 hp...and they look good.”

    This is as compelling an argument as I’ve ever read on Jalopnik.

    I retract the entirety of my comment in deference to those who more artfully expressed these views before I arrived.

    I’m no fan of the man, but this is too good a rejoinder to not star.

    Very well-reasoned point and caveat. I wish I could star this more.

    It was a prerequisite for me. Attached or unattached didn’t matter; after I relocated from D.C. to a less sparsely populated part of the country and discovered garages weren’t a luxury item, it shot up to the top of my list of things the property had to have.

    This might come close to the textbook definition of irony.

    Nice to see Juan Pablo, Takuma, and Alonso on track together again.

    “I know of at least one vehicle—a certain off-roader, let’s just say that—that was discontinued entirely because changing curtain airbag regulations would have meant the entire shape of the vehicle had to be redesigned.”

    Pick one of the Jeeps and have a Raptor tow you there and back.

    Great post, Alanis! The pictures are sublime. It’s awe-inspiring to see what can be accomplished with old tech in the hands of someone who has taken the time to master it.

    Anonymous probably shouldn’t give away he was standing next to the guy who said “Freedom” if he really hopes to remain anonymous and not get tagged for violating his NDA.

    The Germans have this one covered: Backpfeifengesicht.

    Wrong method and placement for a Camry Dent. Points (lost) for trying, though.


    Aw, shucks. Thanks!

    I believe that’s known in some circles as the Backhanded Compliment Award. I’ll take it and store it in preparation for the famine to come.

    I hope you learned your lesson. And to think you’re the person responsible for devastating that little boy... Such a shame.

    You should know a magician never reveals his secrets. But if I had to guess, I’d guess Vettel Hamilton.

    I’m a magician; I know what I’m doing.