Eli Bishop

It started off with at least a little bit of promise, but quickly devolved into a retarded cousin of True Blood buffoonery. I really tried to hang in, and did keep watching past when I should have. I had to cut the finale off just now after 10 minutes or so. There are so many things that collectively annoy me about

He rubbed it on both of their parts from what I could tell. For the person above, it was to use it as a numbing agent, plus it feels tingly / good.

Nope, just super early for the next one.

I was under the impression that he was rubbing it on himself as a numbing agent, so it didn't hurt for her, and then she liked the feeling. And to your second question, from what I remember, it would feel good / numb on the skin, but wouldn't get you that 'high' per se. Hooping a e pill will definitely rock your world

It tastes like a mix of plastic (not toxic, but like a solid being heated / burned), and sweet like flowers, or how incense smells. It's actually fantastic. I'm not a fan of opiates or sedatives at all, but this is a totally different feeling, just really floaty and great.

From that picture, that looks more like the mixing studio for the movie, not the actual recording studio.

Her embarrassment (or lack of) is moot, my point is that was his reasoning for saying it, not the "glass half empty" about it being a rainy day that the article presented it as. I went back and watched to double check.

Minor point: I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it already, but Thack didn't say it looked like rain because it actually was going to rain, he was hoping to save her some embarrassment from walking the streets with her arm sewn to her face.

Well, he did star in "Holes…"

Yep. Not sure if previous poster knows who did the impressions on the show.

I can't believe I missed that one. You are a god among men.

Is MC Hammer considered a no-no or therapeutic to be 2 Legit 2 Quit?

Right, but we all know now what cops do to people in that town with unloaded guns…

He should have brought a knife to the fistfight.

Blue Instagram filter snow with HDR glowing, yes, it doesn't snow like that where you live?

That was a fishtank, not a lake.

I really wish there were more "baller" type videos where people swapped out cars for things like snowmobiles and skis. That would be some next level shit.

Getting everyone at the label off would definitely make your hands sticky, or so I've heard.

Agreed, when this came out, I could only get with about 2 songs on it. When people would put it on at parties, it would annoy me that people thought this was hip hop, when there were so many better albums and verses at the time.

Agreed, that's the part where we were like, OK, no way would they roll up from one bullet shot out and just fire into the door. However, by bombing, I think you are referring to what they threw in the window? That was a flash-bang, it just makes a loud noise / flash to disorient people why they break down the door, it