Eli Bishop

I really don't understand why so many movies and television get flashbacks and / or freaky mind schisms so wrong. It seems like they do more work making it like a mid 90s MTV video than just creatively coming up with a concept that denotes a flashback and / or creepiness.

I love that the dog is just there, follows him, never explained, never acknowledged. He's just a living specter.

No, thank Christ. It works sometimes, but mostly takes me out of anything. No, it was a good score, creepy and with some really low bass drones that were rumbling my surround sound in a menacing way.

Eh, I like a dozen or so dancehall tracks, but I find the music / beats really lackluster and repetitive. Meanwhile, I can have a Spotify playlist with several hundred rocksteady era tracks and it seems a lot more soulful and engaging. It's like comparing hardcore modern rap to Motown, but still. Dancehall has always

He's confusing two different black guys.

Log Chamber is either the 5th chamber, or a porn I saw once.

True that, I hadn't looked at the list yet. I'll just end up getting the ones I don't have and putting them in the soundtrack folders I guess. I'm not a super fan, I'm just OCD.

Or you know, realize that not every song in the movies are on the soundtracks.

It's a different meaning though, considering a spliff and a joint are traditionally two different things.

Ali G interviewed her and David Beckham. They were extremely good sports considering the material of the jokes.

Oh, he's not a great comedian from my perspective, but I still think he is a funny guy in general.

Speaking of "in a rush" in one of the last scenes where Dandy brings the deed and is explaining he bought the show, he starts walking and one of the little guys trips over a set piece, and laughs. I can't believe they kept that take, but I guess it was sort of subtle. I rewound it 3 times just to watch him trip and

Hold me closer, tiny Lancer.

The locals they use deliver their lines really flat and in a non-actor way which works against the humor in some comedy shows (think most sports guest star lines) but fit in Portlandia from the start because of the surreal nature of a lot of the sketches. I don't mind it as much on this show because they are actually

Awesome, thanks for the info. I seemed to remember reading that somewhere, but then when I heard there was another season I couldn't find that same article / info.

I was really confused at the end of last season, I could have sworn they said it was the last season when they were filming it, and the last episode seems like a perfect wrap-up finale to the series. Then, when it ended up that they were given another season, they had to deal with the fact that they had shifted the

Which really sucks, because I've heard him on podcasts / radio shows be normal, calm, and still hilarious, without getting into that high / whiny register.

Was the gag that literally no technology had changed other than super advanced tablets / phones? That's all I gathered from it.

Good call, so true. This one was just funny because it sounded like a circus in Detective Mackeys head.

I liked the little stab of music behind it as well.