Eli Bishop

Wait, I'm seeing Scooby / Poochie crossover potential here.

He's the straight man, but way too stiff at it. You make an excellent point that I couldn't put my finger on - the kind of winking mischievous look that puts it over the top. Jost seems to just read as if he's been instructed that it's an actual news station gig.

Agreed. It's fake drunk + pop culture reference. It's not even done smartly, it's just there.

Yeah, no. He was on Opie and Anthony recently and they had played the audio the day after that concert, and openly mocked it. He, being a daily listener of theirs, felt bad. He openly said he bombed and how terrible it was, and how instead of hanging out after, he immediately left and went home. The weird thing is, I

They could drop that much on surgery, but not on a decent producer? I'm not sure a single word from any of them was on the beat, it's always too late or too early. Also, the Madonna one is a guy right?

More like squeeze you out, amirite?

This looks like an MS Paint fan-art trace. Not good, AMC.

Look up the vehicle they built to shoot that on, it's amazing. There is a youtube clip and several webpages with shots of it.

Carl fell down four times. I'm really having trouble being at all interested in this show anymore. I'd be all in with a Daryl led group spinoff, but the dynamic in this show lost me a long time ago, and some of the effects and stilted writing comes off really… corny? I realize it's a show about zombies, but I think

"Have I ever read Snow Crash?
Yeah, like for the tenth time as I was waiting for Neal Stephenson to sign my copy."

"We act crazy, insane with anger, make them crap in their pants, force them around till we meet up on the other side."

I think they YouTube ones were proven to be not at all him, but I don't doubt he's out there releasing things under weird names. The YouTube videos just sounded a bit… amateur.

Nope, just an old spore.

Show them the cover and convince them that it's a hysterical animated ensemble piece.

COMPLETELY missed out on using the PSH voice in Boogie Nights. I kept waiting for it.

I like 2/3rds of a movie being good like I like 2/3rds of a airplane ride or meal to be good.

Agreed. It would be a lot better if at the end they slowly got more fucked up on their own, in real life, and eventually they left to infect others with their crazy rantings, or any number of other things than needing a old priest, and a young priest.

Great, now can we have a horror movie that doesn't celebrate these tropes? We've had several comedies about it now, can we move on and stop all the head nodding? Rob Zombies entire catalog is based around this, and it just doesn't make for a good movie.

I totally get that. That's still not an excuse to essentially make the same movies over and over. They could have have possibly even have used a similar story if it wasn't so cliche / slapstickish. If you look at Let The Right One In, or 28 Days Later, they were essentially horror movies, but done in a creative and

I really wanted to like this movie. The tone was good, the sets were nice, the cinematography was going well, and it was getting really creepy. Then, 2/3rds of the way through, it abruptly turned to every goofy horror / suspense trope presented in Cabin In The Woods. It also is almost a carbon copy of Insidious, which