
“Day-Glo roadside billboard about jock itch.”

Reality bites, but apparently it is an onion-like publication. Hooray?

I’m torn between Targaryen and Tyrell, so...maybe?

Those are the best ones, aren't they? Incest jokes, not incest...I assume.

My apologies. I meant to apply that your angry clapping represented all Southerners willing to laugh at the joke, as opposed to who took angry offense to it. Nothing more than mild teasing intended. As a man with hot cousins, I can sympathize. NOT empathize, but sympathize.

Accurate translation:“No one wants to risk felony charges by putting a fist in my suckhole, but many people wish I’d just shut my fucking mouth forever.”

First I thought of this:

That right there is every southerner who had the self-aware not to start muttering about Yankees and guns.

This is the city that almost gave us the Fred Durst Society for the Humanities and Arts trash dump. Frankly, I’m saddened we didn’t have an entry of that caliber here.

Because that is one of the most powerful boiled hams in the world. Right up there with Trump, Cruz, Kasich, a bunch of other business people/politicians...Jesus I didn’t realize just how influential the boiled ham cabal is in this world.

I had hoped that the Lakers would wait until the lottery, and would have kept Scott on if they lost their pick in the attempt to tank their way to more talent next year. Granted, as a Sacramento Kings fan, I have a vested interest in their tire fire outlasting ours.

If I’m making 17,000,000 a year with a very good chance that that number goes up significantly in 2 years, then $25,000 is pretty much an annoyance for me. It’s why these fines are analogous to a speeding ticket. Sure, you’re mad you got that ticket. But depending on the type of person you are, there’s a good chance

So somewhere between a $25 to $150 ticket for the rest of us. Pretty much an annoyance paid for parking in the wrong spot or speeding, non-reckless category. Seems fair.

I refuse on the chili, but I’m stealing the rest as a motto. Bravo.

I’m having trouble seeing it as clearly as you are, but if that’s the case, fair enough. I’d not make that attempt, but I probably wouldn’t bring my baby to the ball game either. Baseball is best watched drunk and I lack hand-eye coordination, so baby+alcohol+incoming ball= video clip filed under “dipshits” and

Have some goetta for breakfast- it’s pretty good and a true local thing. If you really wish to put a “been there, done that” stamp on Cincinnati Chili, try to pick a chili parlor that’s not Skyline or Gold Star; well, unless you like to check out local fast food for the hell of it.

Not really. It’s mediocre. It’s half-assed cafeteria food. I’ve had Cincinnati Chili from smaller places that’s okay, though it’s not really my thing. But Skyline has a weird aftertaste that doesn’t sit right with how plain it is otherwise. It wants to be spicy and savory but it’s not. And the fact the fact that it’s

Sure it’s an easy attack, but I’m gladly using it here. Pat Tillman and I are from the same home city and he was pretty awesome. Peter King is ass-kissing trash who happily eats the diarrhea my current city of residence thinks is food. Even if King’s point has merit, fuck him. The decision to serve your country over

I’ve been in Cincinnati a year. If I ever argue the merits of Skyline, please assume the insanity of this place has infected me and have me put out of my misery.”

A reminder of what Peter King thinks is a good decision.