El Grand Fromage

Yeah that's odd. "Counter to the values of the brand" Guys, you make sporty budgie smugglers, get over yourselves.

Maybe not. If Trump loses badly or combusts and drops out, calling someone Trumpian may be a term of abuse come the next election cycle. He doesn't seem to have any plan for a long term political organisation or political followers. Where the Republican party goes next will be interesting, it seems to be eating itself

Murder Chimp Inc.

Nick Cave definitely said:

"And they had gotten older, right on schedule. But strangely enough, not with each other".

Was listening to an interview he did with David Axelrod. Jon was speaking about visiting Congress to lobby alongside 9/11 responders for health care benefits. At points he was borderline shouting at Axelrod his sheer contempt for the pols and the political process. Got the impression his head would explode if he had

Poor Larry, verklempt, he was.

Athletes are extremely focused on one thing from a young age. Don't think they're necessarily not smart, it's they live in a one person bubble. There's a weekly panel slot on Irish radio on "Off the Ball" where they'll have three sportspeople on to talk about whatever's happening that week. If it's track and field

Yeah, it's an impressive Catch 22.

0 & 1. But numbers are from Persia. Muslim numbers <shudders>

C'mon man, it's a modest proposal.

He's always about the revenge. And scrapbooking. Does he do any scrapbooking in this?

I assumed "profoundly strange". But "proudly strange" fits in with the bizarro subject matter

Saw them two years ago, they've definitely improved from the first sets of reunion gigs. And they're playing smaller venues now with proper acoustics, as opposed to stadiums where it just gets lost.

Worked as a short order cook. Had dreams where had no fingers, just two huge thumbs. Orders were flying in, was trying to flip & dress burgers with the mutant hands, stressy, stressy.

And the ones that are left are really old now, so you can kick their asses and work on your appearance.

Sacha Baron, Roy or Mickey?

It's true, we're more machine than man, now.

Your gritty low budget reboot of "Human Centipede" was not well received, you have to admit.

Yup, but he did say it was the one thing he was ashamed of.